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Your Favorite English Course (...So Far!)

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Some of these classes sound absolutely awesome and I'm jealous.

I've been really lucky to take some really out there, non-canon classes. In undergrad, I took a fantastic class called "Apocalypse Lit," which was awesome for me because I'm a sci-fi and zombie junkie. Lots of Phillip K Dick, which made me a very happy nerd. In my MA program, I took a genre theory class on graphic novels and comics (which was obviously awesome, since that's what my thesis is on) and I got to spend a lot of time talking about my love affair with Sandman. Right now, I'm taking a course called "Functions of Appalachian Horror Cinema." I feel like that speaks for itself, but the best part of the course is studying contemporary American class conflict that manifests in post-9/11 horror as urban vs rural, phallic vs yonic, rich vs poor, etc. There's nothing quite like cannibal hillbillies to get me going. 

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Understanding Drama was my first lit class as an undergrad, and it's what cemented my interest in dramatic literature. We read everything from canonical Shakespeare stuff to contemporary avant-garde stuff like "Information for Foreigners." Most fun I've had reading for a class, easily.

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I didn't think I was a big fan of theory until I took a course on The Frankfurt School. Dialectic of Enlightenment or better yet Minima Moralia totally blew me away. It was partly the subject matter, but moreso the approach the professor took. We spent the classes analyzing particularly interesting small passages of longer texts, digging into them until we struck gold.

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