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I think there may be an automatic thing that Grad Division sends out upon approval. I know Heidi Brayman Hackel is working on notifications, so you should receive a call soon! (And, side note, excited to see someone working in queer studies! I just started a queer theory reading group this year.)

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I received an email from the Director of Grad Admissions. I'm looking forward to visiting...will have to see if I can get some of the expenses defrayed. A flight from Pittsburgh on short-ish notice is more than a little $$$$

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Yes, open house should be paid for, so no money shouldn't be an issue for that. We're still working out the final details though, so I'm sure you'll hear more soon!

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No! We're still working on these things, so I'm sure you'll hear about it very soon. I'm sure Prof. Brayman Hackel will be in touch as soon as a few more details get worked out. 

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No! We're still working on these things, so I'm sure you'll hear about it very soon. I'm sure Prof. Brayman Hackel will be in touch as soon as a few more details get worked out. 


Got the invite from Tina via email today :) Thanks.

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Got an email from Heidi Brayman Hackel and another from Tina today. Don't worry, the emails will come soon! More info about the visit day to follow. 
Can't wait to meet my potential future cohort! 


rdsull89, we have some mutual interests (American poetry, queer theory). Which faculty members do you work with at UCR? What does the GSEA do exactly? And how do you feel about the grad student community? 



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Has anybody heard directly from the English Dept. yet? I found out about my acceptance from a sort of weird email about funding from the Grad School.


I also only received a rather confusing email/pdf letter about funding, but I look forward to hearing more!

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I'm interested in radicalism in 19th C America(s)--methodologically, a mix of Marxism, queer theory, critical race theory, etc. I'm not sure about specific texts I want to look at, but I'm currently wrapped up in John Brown the abolitionist, Lincoln's surprising critiques of capitalism & his support for European revolutions, etc.


I did an MFA in poetry, so am also interested in 20th-21st C poetics, but putting that on the back burner.


Question: is funding only guaranteed for 4 years? The email I got is kind of confusing.

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I'm interested in radicalism in 19th C America(s)--methodologically, a mix of Marxism, queer theory, critical race theory, etc. 


Whoa weird, I'm into the same critical methodologies except my foundation is early modern English. Seems like a lot of us are in that growing field.


I do really want to nurture and explore my modern (American?) cultural studies interests too. Still trying to figure that out at the moment.

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Whoa weird, I'm into the same critical methodologies except my foundation is early modern English. Seems like a lot of us are in that growing field.


I do really want to nurture and explore my modern (American?) cultural studies interests too. Still trying to figure that out at the moment.


Dope! I think Riverside is especially interested in this kind of methodology--looking at their current students on the website, etc, I suspect most of us admits are going to be on this side of things.

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Very excited to see this array of interests--I can easily see so many connections with our department and how you all could fit right in!


@allpaid - Funding is guaranteed for 4 years for students with the MA or 5 years for students with the BA. The goal is that students will supplement with a fellowship in the final year, but to my knowledge no student has ever not gotten funding (whether TAship or Fellowship) for the 5th/6th year. 


@allpaid and 1Q84 - you are certainly right. Especially with the addition of some of our newer faculty -- Fred Moten, David Lloyd, Emma Stapely, Stephen Sohn -- our department is very interested in cultural studies and all of those methodologies you mentioned. 


@radcafe - it will be great to have another poetry person! My chair is Jennifer Doyle, and I work with Virginia Jackson at UC Irvine. I'm currently working out whether I'll be working with Steve Axelrod, Fred Moten, or Emma Stapely, depending upon where my project goes. All are great. 


GSEA does a lot--we help with new admit orientation, the open house, new student mentoring, but also put on social events, give travel grants, and generally advocate grad student concerns to the faculty/administration. 


The grad community here is very social. Our department tends to not have the hyper focus on competition that you might find some places. There tends to be a general interest in each other's work and support for each other personally and professionally. Let me know if there are more specific questions or feel free to PM me. 

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Dude, Fred Moten is a boss though! My mentor, Guggenheim-ed poet Ross Gay, told me when I got the acceptance letter that he wanted to email Fred and ask if he (Ross) could come study with him (Fred). Rdsull, do you know / have you heard anything about Emma? I don't really know her work yet, and I imagine she's who I'd be studying with as an early Americanist.

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Yes--Emma is new this year, and she is beyond fantastic. I'm in her seminar right now, and honestly it's the best I've been in. You'd be hard pressed to find someone as smart, generous, and enthusiastic as her. She also does a lot with queer studies--not sure if that's clear from her bio. Jennifer Doyle does 19th C American too--I don't know if that's as clear in her bio or work either, because she does a lot more with performance art and contemporary art, but she began as a 19th c Am scholar and still works with it a lot. She's my advisor, and also a fantastic person to work with. 


Yep--that's my problem right now, too many choices! 

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Just a note--I talked to Prof. Brayman Hackel. She's in the process of calling everyone, which is pretty time consuming, but if you received the letter and haven't gotten more info/a call yet, you should in the next few days. 

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Yes, they are working out travel funds right now, so you should get logistical/budget information soon about open house. 


The language requirements have a couple of options--you can take a translation exam in French or Spanish (possibly German too, but I'm not positive). You can also take an upper division class in any language, and that will fulfill a requirement. Or, you can take French or German for reading knowledge, which are 2-quarter classes designed for grad students to gain reading knowledge quickly. For the second language requirement, you may do any of those options, or you can also substitute 3 upper division undergrad classes in another/other field(s). 

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