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Made the STUPIDEST Mistake T___T


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Ok, so I made a pretty stupid stupid mistake. I self-reported my own GRE score wrong. LOL. *crycrycry* I got a 4.5 in Analytical, so 80th percentile, but for some stupid stupid reason, I thought I got a 4.0. So on my application, I reported I had a 4.0 score with 80th percentile. *dies of shame* It wasn't until someone mentioned they got a 4.0 that was 56th percentile that I realized I didn't even know my own scores properly. 



There's not much I can do about it now except pray to the Gods for mercy. I just hope it won't significantly impact my application :'(. Thank God I did not put "great attention to detail" in my CV/PSE. 



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haha thanks :) makes me feel better.


Yes, I sent them ETS score reports as well! I hope they look at that first and only glance/skip at the self-reported scores lololol XD. The committee has probably seen enough GRE scores to know that 4.0 is not 80th percentile, so I hope they don't think I'm too much of a careless idiot for making such a stupid blunder. XD Oh well, at least I learned something from this. Won't be making this stupid mistake again... if I do, mark my words, I'll have my GRE scores tattooed to my forehead.

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