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MPH Epi Chances?


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Hi everyone,

I graduated from Tulane University last May with a degree in Cell & Molecular Biology. I know where I'd stand in Biology PhD admissions, but I'm clueless on how competitive Epidemiology MPH programs are. Any honest advice would be appreciated! Here is some info about me to help:

GPA: first 2 years of college @ University of Delaware--3.3. Last 2 at Tulane--3.85. Is my lower GPA at UDel going to hurt me a lot? The bulk of the "bad" grades were chemistry...

Research experience: 4 different labs (1 biochem, 2 microbiology research, 1 public health research), did a senior thesis project, presented at 1 minor conference

Took 4 graduate level public health courses (3 epi, 1 biostats)

Currently working as a lab tech on a public health/microbiology project.

My list of schools to apply to is (all for a concentration of infectious disease epi or something similar): Yale, Emory, U Mich, Berkeley, GWU, Georgetown (MS Biohazardous threats and emerging infectious diseases), Pitt (PA resident). Also applying to PhD program in Epi of Microbial Diseases (Yale) and Biological Sciences in Public Health (Harvard). Chances?


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You're not going to be very competitive at either PhD program. It's a simple fact that for public health-related PhDs, a MS or MPH is almost mandatory unless you're an exceptional applicant. It also depends on how focused your research interests are.

You should be competitive to most of those MPH programs.

Just be sure to keep your GRE scores at the least in the 70th percentile for all sections. Higher in quant if you can.

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