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Contacting hotel roommate - weird or not weird?


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I received an itinerary and it has listed names and details and lots of wonderful info. I'll be sharing a hotel room with another applicant, and was wondering if it would be odd to send them a message on Facebook? Maybe introducing myself first? Is that odd? I like getting to know people.

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I don't think it is "odd" enough that your roommate may potentially label you as a crazy person and hate you etc. However, if someone did this to me, I would have preferred they sent me an email or something instead of contacting me through Facebook. Personally, I feel it's a little weird if someone learns about me through Facebook first before meeting me in real life. But that could just be me! :)

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I would like it if someone reached out to me (via e-mail, definitely NOT facebook) to sort of break the ice. Personally it would make me more relaxed to know there would be at least one friendly face there. However- it's something that I would've never done myself (reaching out before hand) because I'd be too timid of possible reactions. As the couple of replies here show- it is very much dependent on the specific individual you want to reach out to, and you have no way of knowing how might they act...

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