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How soon do you hear from schools after an interview?


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Hi guys,

I just wanted to know how long it usually takes to hear back from a school you had an interview with. I heard that if the interview was successful and you're accepted, you hear back within a couple days.

Should I be prepared to be rejected if I don't hear back from a school even after a week?

I'm really worried :/

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Don't be worried! At my first interview my POI explicitly told me I was probably going to be admitted, but I didn't get the acceptance email until 2 weeks later. I think this varies widely across departments!

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Don't be worried! At my first interview my POI explicitly told me I was probably going to be admitted, but I didn't get the acceptance email until 2 weeks later. I think this varies widely across departments!


Thanks for letting me know! Well, my POIs didn't really tell me if I am going to be admitted or not. They just told me I'm one of their top candidates, and that was it :/ They said I'll be getting the final decision in 1-2 weeks so I've been checking my emails 100 times everyday. I am hoping my interview was impressive enough for them to accept me!


And congrats!!!!! You got in!



Oh no, I think 2-3 weeks is normal.


My acceptances came about 2-3 weeks after the interviews.


Ok, so I still have some hope! Thanks!


I had a good interview in late January, so I'm hoping to get a decision soon! Fingers crossed for today


Good luck!! Hope you get in!

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I had an interview on Jan 6th and was told I would be notified in about two weeks, that didn't happen so I sent them an email and was told I was very near the top of the list, but they still needed a few more weeks to decide. Still waiting...


The interview I had on Feb 2nd was horrible and I'm not really holding my breath on that one, but they said they would be getting back to me in a couple of weeks.


Had another interview on Feb 9th, which went awesome and the professor said he would really push for my acceptance and wished I could attend their program, but they will only reach a decision in about a month.


... and I received an offer yesterday from a school I didn't even interview.


Well, those were my experiences, hope it helps and good luck!

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Thanks for letting me know! Well, my POIs didn't really tell me if I am going to be admitted or not. They just told me I'm one of their top candidates, and that was it :/ They said I'll be getting the final decision in 1-2 weeks so I've been checking my emails 100 times everyday. I am hoping my interview was impressive enough for them to accept me!


And congrats!!!!! You got in!

Thanks! :) I just mentioned it because it shows that even though they had basically made their decision when I was there, it still took them awhile after the interview to send official notice. Good luck!!! :)

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They told me 1-2 weeks at one place, it's now been 2 weeks and 2 days. I know it's not a lot of time but it's still driving me crazy. Debating whether or not to call the department. 

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They told me 1-2 weeks at one place, it's now been 2 weeks and 2 days. I know it's not a lot of time but it's still driving me crazy. Debating whether or not to call the department. 


I broke down and emailed my contact today about my interview. I'll post back when I get a response!

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I had an interview on Jan 6th and was told I would be notified in about two weeks, that didn't happen so I sent them an email and was told I was very near the top of the list, but they still needed a few more weeks to decide. Still waiting...


The interview I had on Feb 2nd was horrible and I'm not really holding my breath on that one, but they said they would be getting back to me in a couple of weeks.


Had another interview on Feb 9th, which went awesome and the professor said he would really push for my acceptance and wished I could attend their program, but they will only reach a decision in about a month.


... and I received an offer yesterday from a school I didn't even interview.


Well, those were my experiences, hope it helps and good luck!


It definitely helped, thanks! I guess all I can do is to wait and not go crazy... :(



I had an interview on Feb 10th that seemed to go very well. They told me I should hear back "very quickly, within a couple days."


That was 10 days ago. It's hard not to get antsy!


They told me 1-2 weeks at one place, it's now been 2 weeks and 2 days. I know it's not a lot of time but it's still driving me crazy. Debating whether or not to call the department. 


Yeah, it's killing me too! My interview also seemed to go well. But now I'm at a point where I keep thinking how I could've done better in the interview, and I'm not so sure if I really did ok... It's been a little over a week since I had my interview, but it feels like it was months go :wacko:



..also, just wondering, what do you guys think of getting no replies from the POIs after sending a thank you email?  I probably should've written a better thank you email, but mine was very simple. I didn't personalize it or mention what I particularly enjoyed during the interview. Can this possibly be seen as a sign of rejection?

Edited by nonickname
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