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joint-program application question


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I apologize if this question is too elementary, but I am interested in pursuing a joint -program. I am qualified for one program (public policy) but I lack background in the potential other field (econ or psych). Does it make sense to try and apply for one and then take classes in the other and try to work into the other program that way? Or are departments generally aware of this strategy and thus actively frown upon it?

Any thoughts are much appreciated!

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It depends. What are the qualifications for the program? Do you have relevant work, internship, or research experience that you can apply to the programs? Do you have similar courses that might meet some of the prerequisites/requirements?

Econ and psych are very different so maybe taking some classes in each would help you figure out which direction you would like to go in. Even community college courses could be useful, though they're lower-level so would be more general rather than specific. Hope this helps!

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