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Fulbright 2016 - 2017


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7 minutes ago, vvb said:

I'm sorry. Thanks for your encouragement and it goes for you as well, there are more good things coming our way. We got as far as semi-finalist out of more than 10,000 applications, which means we have to have some kind of smarts right? Everything will be fine. After having a good cry :) i'm ready to move on from this. Up next,figuring out how to pay for grad school haha.


29 minutes ago, NeneGalle_ said:

Just got my email as well, NS for me too. ?

Also UK semi-finalist, also got NS :(

Have been lurking here since the summer but only made an account now to commiserate. Can't cry since I am in class but understand the sentiment completely. Congrats to us anyway for making it this far (my FPA kept emphasizing her surprise at how far I made it for such a competitive country) in the UK, and best of luck in your plans for next year! I am sure there are great things waiting for all of us :)

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Hey y'all, long time lurker here. :). I love how encouraging everyone is on this forum! I applied to Jordan - ETA. Still waiting...last year people found out in May :/. I hope we hear back sooner! Good luck everyone!

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This is for everyone out there who may not be getting the result they wanted. This was my third year applying to Switzerland, and I thought I was a little bit crazy for trying so many times. Just found out that I'm a finalist! Please don't give up, I was able to do so many amazing things in the years that I wasn't selected, and you can always try again. Best of luck out there to everyone who is still waiting, congrats to all those who were selected, but to the NS folks out there--there is hope, and I really hope that another year is your year!

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On 3/18/2016 at 3:07 PM, 2014_FSU_Seminole said:

Hello all,

I am glad to have found this community of prospective 2016-2017 Fulbrighters! I am looking forward to connecting with the group and its members!

I applied to the 2016-2017 Fulbright Binational Business Internship Program in Mexico. Since applying, I was moved to the semi-finalist round (notified: early January 2016), and then I had my interview during early February 2016.

As of this post, I have not received any notification of acceptance/denial. Can anybody provide any insight into their experience so far with their application to a Fulbright to Mexico, and even better if you also applied to the Binational Business Program?    

My wholehearted best wishes to all applicants!


Hello there, Seminole. This FLORIDA GATOR is happy to help where I can ;) haha

I have a friend who is doing a similar bi-national business program with Spain (did Fulbright in both Spain and U.S. for MBA). I can connect you with him if you'd like. PM me to discuss further.

Oh, and...Go Gators!

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1 hour ago, davier85 said:

Hello there, Seminole. This FLORIDA GATOR is happy to help where I can ;) haha

I have a friend who is doing a similar bi-national business program with Spain (did Fulbright in both Spain and U.S. for MBA). I can connect you with him if you'd like. PM me to discuss further.

Oh, and...Go Gators!

Haha! Thank you, @davier85! Sending you a PM now :)

Go 'Noles!

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15 hours ago, ugotthis said:

Hey y'all, long time lurker here. :). I love how encouraging everyone is on this forum! I applied to Jordan - ETA. Still waiting...last year people found out in May :/. I hope we hear back sooner! Good luck everyone!

Also a longtime lurker who finally mustered up the gumption to post on this thread.  Nice to see that there are other applicants to Jordan - I applied to the research grant there.  Best of luck ugotthis!

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17 hours ago, alpinestart said:

This is for everyone out there who may not be getting the result they wanted. This was my third year applying to Switzerland, and I thought I was a little bit crazy for trying so many times. Just found out that I'm a finalist! Please don't give up, I was able to do so many amazing things in the years that I wasn't selected, and you can always try again. Best of luck out there to everyone who is still waiting, congrats to all those who were selected, but to the NS folks out there--there is hope, and I really hope that another year is your year!

Congrats ! This is so true and so awesome to hear. 

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Alternate for UK.  I'm going to remain positive and hopefully the uncertainty doesn't drive me crazy.  Does anyone know how often alternates actually move to principal status? I understand it's nearly impossible to estimate how many principals will decline or if funds become available.  Good luck to everyone still waiting to find out!

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Just out of curiosity, how many people here have applied more than once to become a finalist? I am seriously considering reapplying, but i dont know if i have the heart or patience to do so...

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29 minutes ago, NeneGalle_ said:

Just out of curiosity, how many people here have applied more than once to become a finalist? I am seriously considering reapplying, but i dont know if i have the heart or patience to do so...

I applied for 2010-2011 and was an alternate. Finalist this year. Just taking a quick glance at the doc, seems there's a handful of us who have been successful on our second-go round. 

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1 hour ago, NeneGalle_ said:

Just out of curiosity, how many people here have applied more than once to become a finalist? I am seriously considering reapplying, but i dont know if i have the heart or patience to do so...

I applied three times before getting the Fulbright. It takes a lot of emotional energy, but it's worth it in the end. Keep your head up and be on the look out for other opportunities throughout the year. When I got rejected I thought that my life path was going to drift down to failure, but life is actually working out pretty well. And I am, dare I say it, grateful that I had some time to reevaluate my life without Fulbright those two years.

You're going to be a great re-applicant! Don't give up. It just takes a lot of tenacity and strategizing. And we are always here to support you!

Edited by kbui
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Also, I received a blog comment about a Thailand Fulbright recipient a couple days ago. Though I suspect it was for a research grant and not an ETA.

A shout-out to the Thailand applicants! I hope all of you receive good news soon.

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2 hours ago, Dilemma1 said:

Alternate for UK.  I'm going to remain positive and hopefully the uncertainty doesn't drive me crazy.  Does anyone know how often alternates actually move to principal status? I understand it's nearly impossible to estimate how many principals will decline or if funds become available.  Good luck to everyone still waiting to find out!

@Dilemma1 I think it is a good idea to remain positive. I know someone from a previous cohort who was moved up after a principal declined the offer. Yes I know it is just one case but it does happen some times and who knows lady luck might decide to shine on you! In case you are not elevated, I suggest that you re-apply. Good luck! 

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