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What are my chances? help PLZ


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I am applying for MPP in fall 2010.

I didn't major in economics,but I took calculus and statistics. I had a comprehensive UG GPA of 3.85.My GRE is v:630 q:800 awa:4.5

A fresh graduate from college ,I have no work experience.

The only international experience I had would be a summer program in UC Berkeley.

I had an internship in the largest foreign TV channel in Shanghai, did some volunteer experience in the poorest area of China and helped farmers there to improve their life.

I want to specialize in social policy and/or porverty alleviation. My dream school is Elliott,SIS ,U Maryland and Brown (none of them has an economics focus).

What are chances of getting in any of them?


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Just a quick note. Your chances are probably pretty decent, though they'd be made better by a couple of years of work. However, if you are serious about wanting to do poverty work, you should think about doing a program with a strong econ bent as well as social policy. It'll just get you taken more seriously.

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Just a quick note. Your chances are probably pretty decent, though they'd be made better by a couple of years of work. However, if you are serious about wanting to do poverty work, you should think about doing a program with a strong econ bent as well as social policy. It'll just get you taken more seriously.

thanks for your reply ,Politicalgeek.

You raised a point which is exactly I am concerned about. I have made up my mind to applying instead of working . So it is impossible for me to gain enough WE before applying. Plus,I do not have enough ecnomic background for my intended area. Would these two drawbacks hurt my chances of getting into these programs?

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