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US friends, I need an honest opinion


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I am from South America and I want to do my MFA in the US. I have no idea how you guys applied for undergrad programs, the amount of choices are...overwhelming. However, thanks to me being poor and a international student (i don't think they give me funding) my choices are quite limited. I narrowed my list of universities to a small number that I could afford (less than 40k a year including living expenses). Maybe my list is all shity schools and not worth it, but I have no idea because every school seems to sell itself very well online. This is where I need your help... I ask you gradcafe, are these schools worth it? or hell no?



Brooklyn College 

University of Houston

Virginia Commonwealth University

University of Wisconsin 

California State University - Long Beach

Sandiego State University

Hunter College - CUNY

Arizona State University

Indiana University Bloomington

Montclair State University




I listed them (cheapest - expensive) per year. Maybe you guys are laughing because I am so off...probably. I am also not considering if its a good place to live, the vibe is nice or if there is an art scene. I mean, apart from NY and Cali, I really have no idea what the other states are like. :/ 


Also, I am going for figurative painting.... there was another post but all the listed schools were very very expensive. 

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I did my undergrad in journalism at Arizona State University and loved it. I may be biased because I'm an Arizona native, but the weather is sunny, you'll never be cold. The university itself has four campuses spread throughout the valley, but they have a nice shuttle bus system to take you in between them.


The university has a reputation as being a party school, but you have the choice to live that lifestyle or not. A lot of people go there because it is much more affordable that nearby states and their programs, so the campus is very diverse as far as its student population.

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I did my undergrad in journalism at Arizona State University and loved it. I may be biased because I'm an Arizona native, but the weather is sunny, you'll never be cold. The university itself has four campuses spread throughout the valley, but they have a nice shuttle bus system to take you in between them.


The university has a reputation as being a party school, but you have the choice to live that lifestyle or not. A lot of people go there because it is much more affordable that nearby states and their programs, so the campus is very diverse as far as its student population.


JAJAJJA! Yes, I also read it was a party school. It would be nice to experience at least once a "typical" us university party. I like that it is a big school and the weather is a nice plus. Thanks for the reply!


I know a girl who did an art undergraduate degree at VCU, and she really liked it!


Oh! I am so glad that you wrote, this was seriously the only university I could not find first hand accounts! thank you

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I'm sure all of the schools you listed would provide you with a great education, but I know from experience that VCU, Hunter CUNY and Rutgers have especially great reputations here in the states for their MFA programs.  I'm not sure about which of those would be best for a figurative painter (I'd guess Rutgers) but you could take a look at their website to see the work that current students are making.  This should give you an idea of where the program is geared towards.

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I'm sure all of the schools you listed would provide you with a great education, but I know from experience that VCU, Hunter CUNY and Rutgers have especially great reputations here in the states for their MFA programs.  I'm not sure about which of those would be best for a figurative painter (I'd guess Rutgers) but you could take a look at their website to see the work that current students are making.  This should give you an idea of where the program is geared towards.


I will keep this in mind, thank you!!! Rutgers seems amazing! 

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I would also like to advocate for pursuing a Fulbright. Personally I always go for what I want regardless of the concrete attachments. If there is a school that really interests you then you should apply. If they say yes, then negotiate funding. Usually the first offer can be negotiated upward.

To add to your list of schools I would add Northwestern University, Yale, and University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). They all offer great funding and are small programs. If you are interested in UIC pm me and I can give you more details.

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