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When to get the PhD


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Hi Board,

I am 31 years old and am facing one of those life decision moments, so I am hoping like minded people could help out.

I have been teaching for 6 years. I did Teach for America, taught in urban and virtual schools in America and currently, I teach abroad in Asia. I just finished my master's in ed.policy in global studies at UIUC. Given my breadth of experiences and my interests in international ed. policy, I want to go back to get my PhD and my professors and advisor are quite insistent that I enroll ASAP. However given the current economic status of the nation. I am a bit leery. I don't know if a $15,000 fellowship will allow me to do things such as...eat. :D Also, I like my job here and make good money, not to mention I am able to save quite a bit. Even though my work and living situation is great and is often subject of admiration from peers in the USA, I long to get my PhD and feel that my brain is not being challenged and that I am not beginning my research.

My question is when was the right time for you? Thank you for your stories.

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Same age and I feel you. The decision to return to school just gets more complicated with every year. My decision making process was both practical and spiritual.

Practically speaking, I did not have children or a partner that I had I to consider. I had a job, not a career. I figured the economy was going to take every bit of 7 to 8 years to shake out and regain any kind of real growth.

Spiritually, i decided that having a life filled with things that inspire me was more important than a job or stuff. When I was ready to let go of all of my attachments I knew I was finally ready for the journey.

So, no one can say for sure when it is a good time to make that move. However, I do think it is should be a decision that is both practical and individually right for you on whatever deeper level you believe in.

good luck.

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Hi, clou99.

I think you can determine the answer to your question by taking a hard, honest look at what your longer term goals are. I have a somewhat similar profile to you -- I worked outside of academia for several years earning a six figure salary before returning to school in my thirties -- and had to make some of the same choices you are facing. Ultimately, I had to determine whether I wanted to continue pursuing a career path that brought prestige and a nice income but that lacked intellectual challenge, or return to school to pursue a degree in a field I am passionate about and that I can see myself remaining curious and challenged by for future years. For me, the answer came after serious reflection for a year about what I wanted my life to look like and how pursuing a career in academia met more of my personal and professional goals than my former career path. Sure, living on a very modest stipend isn't all that fun but there's not a day that goes by that I regret my decision.

I have a partner who is unbelievably supportive so that definitely made the transition easier. But it was also harder inasmuch as I felt I was letting down my end of our relationship in terms of what I was contributing to our joint income. But, similar to coyabean, living an inspired life is more important for both me and my partner so in the end the choice wasn't as difficult as it first appeared to be.

Rest assured that there isn't a right or wrong choice; it's about what the best choice is for you. Good luck!

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