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multiple transcripts


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Just have to vent a bit...

I think it's ridiculous that some schools make you send 2 sets of official transcripts (which they'll probably lose anyhow). Do they not have copiers? Hello? It's expensive enough having to pay the application fee, send GRE scores, and send one set of transcripts (especially if you went to two schools, as I did). It just seems like pure laziness to me. They don't want to have to copy them and walk them over to the appropriate department, despite the $50-$125 bucks you've paid as an app fee.

Grr. :evil:

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Agreed! Or hey, let the second set be unofficial....let me copy it! I don't mind walking to my printer if it saves me 10 dollars a piece! Its not like they cant verify the second set against the one official one... some schools are good about this. I really think that needs to be streamlined...they need to have some sort of shared computer database throughout university systems, where I can just click a button and have them sent to the schools, and perhaps pay one nominal fee for it. Its going to cost me a small fortune as my undergrad institution's policies stand.

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My university requires two transcripts because one goes to the department and the other to the graduate college. The advantage is that you'll have an official transcript in file in the dept office of whichever uni you go to...

I've also heard this is the reason why colleges do this...

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