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Are there any bad clinical programs in Canada?


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I was just wondering if there are any Canadian clinical psychology PhD programs that have bad reputations or should be avoided. I know unaccredited programs can be questionable, but are there any accredited programs that aren't that great?

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To play devil's advocate here, I wouldn't say ALL unaccredited programs are bad per se. One of the newest programs is at UTSC, which is the first clinical psychology program at UofT. Since they are brand new (going into their 3rd cohort this September), you won't expect accreditation at the moment. 

One thing I would recommend is to look at the PIs across the country that have research fields you're interested in pursuing. Often, finding someone with matching research interest as your supervisor, especially one who is well known in the field, can offset how well the programs may rank. 

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As Jay said, if you want to be registered as a psychologist in your province of interest avoid any programs that are not accredited by CPA otherwise to be honest they are all pretty much the same across the board of course vary in terms of research expertise and etc. etc. If you are in a accredited program you have pretty much the same chances of getting accredited generally whichever program you are in so I would focus mainly on finding a supervisor who does research in an area that you want to pursue. And really, from the psychologists I've talked to, what school you went for PhD means very very little once you become registered. However, if your interest is to remain in academia in some capacity then rank of that program means a bit more.

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