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HELP! Overwhelmed SLP Undergrad Student...Do I have a chance? Is my back up plan, a GOOD plan B?

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Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, so I apologize in advance if I am posting this in the wrong forum.

I have a list of about 7-12 schools that I would like to apply to (I’m from the Indiana and Illinois area). I constantly keep hearing about people who applied 10-12 places, and didn't get in!

I currently am finishing up my undergrad in CSD w clinical experience. My overall GPA is around 3.4-3.5 and in CSD. I’m not sure what my CSDCAS GPA is since applications don’t open until Sept.

Unfortunately, I haven’t taken my GRE yet since I feel super underprepared. I will be taking it in the fall around Oct. I am more worried about quant, than I am verbal/writing. Currently using Manhattan Prep, ETS, and magoosh to prepare for it.

With my low GPA, and a decent SOP, I’m hoping my experience outside of grades will help. My grades aren’t top notch and it worries me.  Also, I plan on working/volunteering with an SLP this fall, and possibly presenting with her at an event as well.

Bilingual: English/Arabic


Also, my backup plan is to get a Master’s in Public Health. Of course, speech pathology is where my heart is, but continuing my education is also what I really would like to do, and I want something to fall back on. I’d love to hear opinions about my plan B as well. Could I possibly incorporate topics that involve speech pathology/early intervention in the public health field? I am new to it, I’ve researched it, and it seems extremely diverse, but vague!


Thank you!!!!!!






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Your experience is great. Seriously,  I bet you'll be able to get killer letters of rec from your professors. 

GRE: Study and take timed practice exams. If math is your weak spot, take some time to review the basics. I don't know when your deadlines are, but an October test date should leave you with enough time for a retake.

SOP: Don't just write a 'decent' SOP. This is your chance to express who you are and what you offer to a potential program. You've got plenty of time to perfect your statements. Write a draft, have it critiqued (by professors, your school's writing center, people on the forums, etc), then write another, repeat.

GPA: I know this field is super competitive and stressful (especially when it seems like everyone has a 4.0), but a 3.4-3.5 is not a bad GPA.  Outside of this SLP bubble that we are in, a 3.5 is something you can be proud of.  Don't beat yourself up about it. There are plenty of people who apply with 4.0s and still get rejected. To maximize your chances you really need to do your research about potential schools. Check each schools application/acceptance date on EdFind and then email the programs director to verify. Do you apply to a school that received  800 applications for a class of 25 and a GPA range 3.5-3.9? Maybe. Or do you apply to a school that receives less applications/accepts a larger percentage of applicants and a GPA range of 3.3-3.7? Maybe, I don't know.  Check the program's website for application  info. Some schools are more GPA/GRE focused and some emphasize well-rounded applicants. There's no exact science to this application business. 


Overall. it seems like you know what you need to work on. It doesn't seem like it but this is the easy part. You're (mostly) in control of all of the aspects of your applications. The hard part is when you submit them and have to wait :D.

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Your experience is great. Seriously,  I bet you'll be able to get killer letters of rec from your professors. 

GRE: Study and take timed practice exams. If math is your weak spot, take some time to review the basics. I don't know when your deadlines are, but an October test date should leave you with enough time for a retake.

SOP: Don't just write a 'decent' SOP. This is your chance to express who you are and what you offer to a potential program. You've got plenty of time to perfect your statements. Write a draft, have it critiqued (by professors, your school's writing center, people on the forums, etc), then write another, repeat.

GPA: I know this field is super competitive and stressful (especially when it seems like everyone has a 4.0), but a 3.4-3.5 is not a bad GPA.  Outside of this SLP bubble that we are in, a 3.5 is something you can be proud of.  Don't beat yourself up about it. There are plenty of people who apply with 4.0s and still get rejected. To maximize your chances you really need to do your research about potential schools. Check each schools application/acceptance date on EdFind and then email the programs director to verify. Do you apply to a school that received  800 applications for a class of 25 and a GPA range 3.5-3.9? Maybe. Or do you apply to a school that receives less applications/accepts a larger percentage of applicants and a GPA range of 3.3-3.7? Maybe, I don't know.  Check the program's website for application  info. Some schools are more GPA/GRE focused and some emphasize well-rounded applicants. There's no exact science to this application business. 


Overall. it seems like you know what you need to work on. It doesn't seem like it but this is the easy part. You're (mostly) in control of all of the aspects of your applications. The hard part is when you submit them and have to wait :D.

thank you for responding ever so quickly! I appreciate your response. Do you recommend any Illinois/Indiana schools I should apply to that consider a well rounded applicant? 

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Hiiii! I'm actually bilingual in Arabic as well! We might be in the surrounding areas! :) 

have you applied to grad school before, or will you be this fall? Nice to always have a fellow native speaker :)

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