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What does it take to get into Clinical Psych???


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Ya basically, but I think mainly it really comes down to being a good match with a supervisor who knows you because you were adamant in meeting/calling/skyping with them, I mean SOMETIMES they pick randoms they didn't really get to know but in my experience that is the exception rather than the rule.. being memorable does wonders, also as a given that you meet all the other screening out requirements. But, believe me a lot of it is simply luck sometimes... just because they had to pick someone out of their final 2 or 3, they picked you or you were waitlisted and their first pick went somewhere else, I mean really it's just pure luck for some people because most of us are more than qualified anyways.

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Amen! I think a lot of us have a lot of potential and a lot of qualifications to show for it. Just need that extra bit of luck and that's what it takes to get in...


So let's keep spending our money on the apps until the gods decide to play it in our favor haha

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As with the profession of clinical psychology itself, rapport is ride or die when it comes to how well you make out with your potential advisors. Like LebaneseKafta said, you have a small window of opportunity to make an impression with these POIs. Your research and overall aptitude will definitely be put into consideration, but everyone who is interested in applying for graduate school shows that (to different degrees, perhaps, but still show nonetheless). When the field is balanced with so many smart and hardworking students, don't underestimate your own personality and willingness to show your passion for a subject matter. If anything, I know that helped a lot for me last year.

It may sound mushy, but being genuine and have a comfortable conversation can swing Lady Luck in your favour when you least expect it.  

Speaking of luck, hope your CIHR Doctoral apps go well! 

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Thanks so much, Jay! I definitely agree. Networking and building that connect past the CV, which all of us have good ones, is probably where it's at. 

I have a bit of specific research interest and am struggling to make it fit with the POIs while still being genuine about it. Not easy.

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