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Help advise a newbie? Global Health


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If you're reading-- thanks for reading! I'm an undergrad close to competing my bachelor's degree in Public Health. Due to very robust student involvement, research experience, a decent GPA (3.61), good GRE scores (163 quant, 165 verbal) and relevant work experience (health policy think tank) I'm hoping to be competitive for most public health programs. 

2 big questions for the group: 

1. I'm really interested, career-wise, in global public health, or in population health/development in low-resource areas abroad. Ideally, I'd like to pursue an MPH (in what exactly? not sure… see title) in a program with a strong program in global health. Where are the "best" places to do this, in your opinion? Factors that shape "best," in my opinion: 

  • Relevance to global public health specifically
  • Likelihood of obtaining funding
  • Professional/academic respectability

2. Would you recommend obtaining additional work experience, before applying for grad school? That was my original plan, but I'm starting to wonder if I can find fulfilling work with just a bachelor's degree, to the point that it'd merit putting grad school off. 


Any advice is SO appreciated. Thank you!

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Hi Chopin, I suspect you haven't gotten any replies because you asked two incredibly vague questions. 

1) Honestly, if you want to know the best places to do a MPH, just google for a list of programs. Best of course depends on how you value program ranking, cost, and internship opportunities, so you may want to find a ranking that puts those in the same order as you do personally. You should have a reason for applying to certain programs beyond just ranking and cost though, which will require you to do research on programs and departments to see what meets your needs, desires, and requirements.

2) Work experience is never a bad thing and might help you get into a top MPH program. Check Emory's SPH job board for potential jobs you could do with "just a bachelor's". You might also be able to do Americorps or Peace Corps and do something which interests you.

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Thanks, rising_star! Vague, I know. But I really appreciate your time in taking a crack at this :) 

Agree, on the  importance of applying to programs for reasons beyond ranking and cost! For that reason, I was curious if anyone in this community was aware-- at least anecdotally-- of any programs with an especially robust global health focus. I know I've got a lot of homework to do, on my end, but was hoping to kickstart my research. 

You mentioned that I might want to find a "ranking that puts those in the same order as (I) do personally." Is there any kind of customizable ranking system out there? Or do you mean that informally?

Ooh, great suggestion on the Emory SPH job board. Thank you!


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I don't know about the U.S., but in Canada, both the University of Toronto and the University of Alberta have excellent global health programs.

Many MPH programs require a year of public health-related experience, whether that's through work or volunteer experience.  Again, this is from a Canadian perspective. 

If there are particular aspects of global health that appeal to you (a particular topic, region, etc.) then look at the research being done in those areas, and see what universities they are from.  That will give you a place to start in terms of which universities you should be looking at.

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Personally I'd recommend the MSc Global Health at McMaster University, or at its partner uni Maastricht University. I am extremely biased to Maastricht myself, having just graduated from there :)

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