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stuck after college...-.-;;


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Hello everyone.  I am kinda stuck and need advice.  I am a recent graduate and I realized that I don't even want to do anything with my degree (which is psychology).  I have begun to realize that my real passion lies in japanese and speaking japanese.  I have thought about teaching english abroad but I actually feel like I am more comfortable teaching japanese even though japanese is not my native language (i just happen to be good at it but I am not fluent enough to actually teach it.)  At the moment I have no idea where to go or what to do.  Should I go to a community college and take their japanese classes until the intermediate level or something?  I feel like that won't lead me anywhere though...-__-;;

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I mean, if you're getting paid to teach English, it shouldn't be hard to set aside some money for language lessons, especially if you're willing to live with a roommate or two and not necessarily live in Tokyo. Look into the programs which seek to hire native English speakers to teach. You might need to get an ESL certificate which could cost $500-2000 depending on how you go about it.

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