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Can the statement of purpose start with an anecdote?

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I'm really in a dilemma here. I want to start my SoP with an anecdote as it really shows the motivation behind my decision to apply for the grad school. Its not a cliche or funny anecdote. But some of my proof readers are wary about it. Would it be alright to go on with an anecdote rather than start it with a cliched opening like Economics has changed the way I see the society, etc.

The program under consideration is Master in Public Administration.

I would really appreciate the help!


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You can do whatever you want for a SOP, it's your personal touch to the application. I don't think you need to worry about things like being auto-rejected if you don't do everything exactly one certain way.

Have you asked why your proof readers are wary of your anecdote? 

My personal preference is to start a SOP or similar document by getting right to the point. Say what you are here for and what you want to do. I don't think you need to say why you are interested in your field, unless you have a really interesting or compelling story. For most people, it's something boring though! 

In general, I don't think anecdotes are always bad. But there are two major disadvantages:

1. They often run too long and detract from the main idea of the essay (I've seen SOPs where a good 1/3 of the essay is the anecdote, and I'm left wondering "where's the content?")
2. They might not be as compelling or interesting as you think and just delays the reader from getting to the part that they actually care about.

So it's up to you to decide whether the advantages are worth it :)

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