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10 minutes ago, taeyeon said:

Oh my goodness, you guys! I so was not expecting IHEID to drop notifications on us like this when we'd been told it's for next week. I've been traveling to places without internet this week, so I didn't even think to check my e-mail until an hour ago. I've basically been curled up in my motel bed crying tears of happiness (not an exaggeration, I assure you) because I was admitted with a full scholarship! I still need to pay a small portion of the tuition fees, but it's affordable and I'm just... speechless. Here's a virtual high-five to all others who received their admissions! :lol:

I'm sorry for those who were refused, but I'm glad we were able to be here for each other for the suspenseful wait up until now. And the best of luck to those still under consideration, I'm sure you guys will receive the answers you want in March ^_^

Congrats and which course were you accepted to?

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23 hours ago, Mangrovia said:

One more question: we are asked to pay the pre-registration fee by January 30th, but have until April 15th to confirm the admission. What's the point of  setting two different deadlines, if the confirmation of the admission will be validated only after the payment of the fee?

A virtual high-five to you girls, @taeyeon and @Fedora. We'll be classmates soon, apparently B)

I am deeply sorry for those who did not make it this time. I am sure you will find your path, no matter what. Chin up! 

P.S. Does anyone know the answer to the question I posted yesterday (and quoted above)?

P.P.S. @AAAAAAAA, did you get any news from IHEID concerning the scholarship request refusal? Haven't e-mailed them yet.

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3 hours ago, taeyeon said:

Oh my goodness, you guys! I so was not expecting IHEID to drop notifications on us like this when we'd been told it's for next week. I've been traveling to places without internet this week, so I didn't even think to check my e-mail until an hour ago. I've basically been curled up in my motel bed crying tears of happiness (not an exaggeration, I assure you) because I was admitted with a full scholarship! I still need to pay a small portion of the tuition fees, but it's affordable and I'm just... speechless. Here's a virtual high-five to all others who received their admissions! :lol:

I'm sorry for those who were refused, but I'm glad we were able to be here for each other for the suspenseful wait up until now. And the best of luck to those still under consideration, I'm sure you guys will receive the answers you want in March ^_^

Extremely happy for you ! Congrats !

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4 hours ago, Mangrovia said:

A virtual high-five to you girls, @taeyeon and @Fedora. We'll be classmates soon, apparently B)

I am deeply sorry for those who did not make it this time. I am sure you will find your path, no matter what. Chin up! 

P.S. Does anyone know the answer to the question I posted yesterday (and quoted above)?

P.P.S. @AAAAAAAA, did you get any news from IHEID concerning the scholarship request refusal? Haven't e-mailed them yet.

I called them and they said that they usually don't change scholarship decisions. However, I told them of my extremely precarious situation (I don't even have enough money to pay the deposit when IHEID is one of my top choices.........) and they said that they would forward my concerns to the committee and get back with me sometime later.

If anyone is interested in joining, I've created a Facebook group for IHEID admits: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1558087277850417/

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@kotsa I was accepted into the MIA program. ^_^ And also, thanks @Maeva!

@Mangrovia and @Fedora I hope we'll get to see each other in fall! So are you guys accepting your offers or considering on waiting? This question goes for @AAAAAAAA too. Also I think I've seen last year that those who were admitted created a separate thread to talk about all the things we need to navigate, maybe we should consider that...

Meanwhile I hope that those who are still under consideration will get an update in their status, I think if you were deferred to the waiting list it should say so right? Perhaps on Monday you'll hear back! I noticed that my admission letter was actually dated December 18, if only I could've found out back then :P

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5 hours ago, taeyeon said:

@kotsa I was accepted into the MIA program. ^_^ And also, thanks @Maeva!

@Mangrovia and @Fedora I hope we'll get to see each other in fall! So are you guys accepting your offers or considering on waiting? This question goes for @AAAAAAAA too. Also I think I've seen last year that those who were admitted created a separate thread to talk about all the things we need to navigate, maybe we should consider that...

Meanwhile I hope that those who are still under consideration will get an update in their status, I think if you were deferred to the waiting list it should say so right? Perhaps on Monday you'll hear back! I noticed that my admission letter was actually dated December 18, if only I could've found out back then :P

I will definitely accept the offer, IHEID has always been my top choice by far. And yes, the separate thread for the admits is a great idea. I'll do that in a minute! ;)

EDIT: Here is the link: 


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23 hours ago, unagi said:

Congrats everyone! :) Would you guys mind sharing your academic/professional backgrounds? For those of us still waiting to hear back so we can gauge our chances?

Yup, that would be great guys ! 

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@Maeva @unagi I was admitted to the MIA with a partial scholarship. I'm finishing my BA at a good American school (people argue about whether it's top tier or second tier school). I got a degree in international relations with classes mostly in politics and international law, but also some economics. As far as grades go, at the time of application my GPA was 3.72 (out of 4). I hope that helps a bit, but I think the selection committee looks at more than just grades. 

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On 1/20/2016 at 1:47 PM, unagi said:



7 hours ago, Maeva said:


I was admitted without a scholarship for the MDev program. I will be finishing a BS (a four year degree) in biomedical sciences from a tier 3 state school after two years of undergraduate work. I had a lot of credits in fields from science to history and economics through AP exams, shortening my time as an undergrad. My GPA is 3.76 on a 4.0 scale, and I've had a number of extracurricular experiences related to the field--writing for the Huffington Post and The Hill, creating groups to lobby Congress for international development, leading fundraising for Ebola relief, and two research experiences, one in biophysics and another on Boko Haram and Nigerian governance.

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So this is a little about myself that I previously wrote in a message to someone else.

I lived/studied in the US as a teen, graduated high school in my home country, then had an incomplete year at Science Po and graduated college here with a bachelor's in IR. I've been working in an international organization a month since I graduated. Previously I did a summer internship within a ministry's Department of International Cooperation. During my free time I volunteered for TEDx events, did lots of freelance translations and research. At college I founded and led our first Model UN club. I've also organized/participated in a lot of MUN conferences, and established a social venture with a group of friends. My GPA is 3.6, I wrote my thesis on non-state actors and... yeah, can't think of much more to add right now :) 

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14 hours ago, Lieschen said:

@Maeva @unagi I was admitted to the MIA with a partial scholarship. I'm finishing my BA at a good American school (people argue about whether it's top tier or second tier school). I got a degree in international relations with classes mostly in politics and international law, but also some economics. As far as grades go, at the time of application my GPA was 3.72 (out of 4). I hope that helps a bit, but I think the selection committee looks at more than just grades. 


9 hours ago, AAAAAAAA said:


I was admitted without a scholarship for the MDev program. I will be finishing a BS (a four year degree) in biomedical sciences from a tier 3 state school after two years of undergraduate work. I had a lot of credits in fields from science to history and economics through AP exams, shortening my time as an undergrad. My GPA is 3.76 on a 4.0 scale, and I've had a number of extracurricular experiences related to the field--writing for the Huffington Post and The Hill, creating groups to lobby Congress for international development, leading fundraising for Ebola relief, and two research experiences, one in biophysics and another on Boko Haram and Nigerian governance.


5 hours ago, taeyeon said:

So this is a little about myself that I previously wrote in a message to someone else.

I lived/studied in the US as a teen, graduated high school in my home country, then had an incomplete year at Science Po and graduated college here with a bachelor's in IR. I've been working in an international organization a month since I graduated. Previously I did a summer internship within a ministry's Department of International Cooperation. During my free time I volunteered for TEDx events, did lots of freelance translations and research. At college I founded and led our first Model UN club. I've also organized/participated in a lot of MUN conferences, and established a social venture with a group of friends. My GPA is 3.6, I wrote my thesis on non-state actors and... yeah, can't think of much more to add right now :) 

Thanks for taking the time to tell us about yourselves guys ! Really helpful 

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@taeyeon :D I am also accepting, waiting for Oxford to answer me but I am afraid I will have to refuse if they take me. I know, no one says no to Oxford but Geneva was my first choice and I'd rather go there with the scholarship than go to Oxford with a 25,000 pounds loan to repay at the end of my studies.

Also, shouldn't we create a facebook page? :D

@unagi, to answer your question. I was accepted to the MIA with a partial scholarship. To tell a bit more about me, I was born in Belgium but moved out in Italy when I was 11. After completing my Italian high school diploma, I decided to move back closer to Belgium, namely to Maastricht, in the Netherlands where I am now attending "University College Maastricht" a liberal arts and sciences programme, I focus mainly on IR and Security studies though. Last semester I also had the opportunity to study in UCLA, best semester of my life so far ahah. Throughout all this time I engaged in a lot of extracurricular activities, my favourite being MUNs (Actually, I invite everyone to Euromun, in Maastricht, next May :D ).


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I have been admitted to the MIA Programme without scholarship (damn it!). Here is my story in a nutshell.

After high school, I took a gap year, which I spent between the UK and France to improve my English proficiency and learn French from scratch. Got a BA in International Relations and Diplomacy in Italy, did an exchange semester in the US, graduated Summa Cum Laude. Undertook a couple of summer voluntary placements abroad (mainly NGOs and charitable organizations) and took part in a MUN in Belgrade, Serbia during my undergrad. I decided to invest the year between my BA and MA in two internships: the current one with a media platform in Brussels, Belgium, the second one at the Embassy of France in Rome, Italy, starting next April. Plus, I uploaded a HORRIBLE portrait picture onto my application, so you all can make it! ;)

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Oh wow! Thank you so much for your response guys! :) It's very helpful to know your profiles!

Congrats to all of you that were admitted :). And only 2 months-ish for those who are still waiting :)

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  • 1 month later...
9 hours ago, Maeva said:

Hello @CLAYTON07 ! 

They should be available from the 15th onwards 

Finger crossed for all of us !

Hi @Maeva  thank you, i called them also then i think according to what they told me, they should send their ressponse no later than thursday 16th

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So soon 15 March is about due. Honestly, I don't think I would have been able to wait this long like some of you guys. I know its the wait that actually "kills" but not the results. 

I wish you all the best, I'm praying and hoping you all get the best and positive results you are expecting so we all meet in Geneva this fall. :)


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Seems like a great number of you folks who got in are recent graduates (undergrad), is this a pattern that HEID has? Do they take interest in individuals who might have worked 2-3 years prior to schooling you think? 

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Do any of you remember what time did the institute update results? 

There are some of us on another thread and it seems like everyone's losing their shit there. 

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