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53 minutes ago, chethedoctor said:

Dear @ZebraFinch @kbui @mrs12

First, congratulations to all of you for your successes this year. You folks are amazing! So I need your advice. I am considering the Payne for next year or the year after. I am a  current UK Fulbrighter, speak two of the so-called critical languages and have 5 years of experience working in the developing world. So as far as 'qualifications' go, I like to think I am relatively competitive. However, I am hesitant because I am concerned about the security clearance. I have lived outside the country for a significant amount of time. Given how much work goes into these applications, your experiences with the clearance system, and the threat of debt, would you advise me to give it a shot? 

Good luck to all of you! 

I lived in Russia for a long time and have  Russian spouse. I've also traveled a lot. And I got the clearance. Took forever, but I got it.

Apply! Many if not most of the competitive candidates have extensive experience abroad, including family from "non friendly" countries.

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On the subject of clearance, without giving too much away, I'd say your bigger concerns should be financial irresponsibility (having a lot of debt is okay, but not repaying on time often is a no no) and drug usage. Remember pot is legal in a lot of places now, but in the eyes of the fed, it's a no go.

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I've been doing a lot of research with the security clearance, and the Payne's program officer said that they look at the person as a whole and not just one part of their life--however, we must be 100% truthful in our answers. I am planning to do just that because as young people who didn't grow up under a rock, I would imagine that they would expect us to have done things that may be "questionable."

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17 minutes ago, kbui said:

I've been doing a lot of research with the security clearance, and the Payne's program officer said that they look at the person as a whole and not just one part of their life--however, we must be 100% truthful in our answers. I am planning to do just that because as young people who didn't grow up under a rock, I would imagine that they would expect us to have done things that may be "questionable."

Yeah, most important thing is to be honest. And they understand we're human and "young and stupid" is a phase many of us go through.

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9 hours ago, mrs12 said:

@awayfromhere, you find out tomorrow? That's so quickly! Ahhh, I have my fingers crossed for you and I'm sending all my positive thoughts your way. <3

It's so nice to hear that the finalists were supportive and kind, you get worried that it will be an intensely competitive atmosphere. But judging by this thread I think most people who are selected are of a similar caliber when it comes to being supportive. 

The whole interview with blank-faced panelists is kind of freaky, but it's just a chance to share your story, I'm sure you did great! Are you allowed to say anything about the written test? Was it very policy-based? Were the questions super specific? 

And congratulations on the Fulbright! Where would you be going? Could you defer the Rangel to do the Fulbright if that were to happen?

Apparently they worked ahead of schedule because...I just got word that I'm a Rangel Fellow. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 

I was at work and I sat and stared at my screen for a full minute before I reacted. It totally took me by surprise. I can't really talk too much because of the scary non-disclosure agreement we had to sign. All I can say is the written part wasn't as specific as I feared it would be, but it was still specific enough for it to be difficult to write. Rangel lets you defer if you get a Fulbright, probably because they're both State Department things. I'd be going to Austria!

I'm sending the rest of you all good vibes too! I believe in you all :) 

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Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!

CONGRATULATIONS! Waaaahh, you're so amazing! 

A surprise email is the best!


You're all doing so well! This is a lucky year for us, I think. 

Really, sincerely, congratulations @awayfromhere ! There's so much to look forward to!

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WHAAA!!! That is so crazy! There is so much good energy on this blog right now. Fulbright, CLS, Pickering, Rangel... I AM IN SHOCK at how many of us have been getting such good news lately. Wow. @awayfromhere you have got the next six years set. I am incredibly and truly happy for you. Your hard work has proven to be fruitful, and you have been so blessed.

@ZebraFinch, I can indeed do 12PM CST. I've PM'd you my email, and I'll send you a link to join tomorrow. @awayfromhere, do you want to join too? I know you must be ecstatic. And @mrs12, you're welcome to join. I can send you a link too.


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18 hours ago, ZebraFinch said:

I lived in Russia for a long time and have  Russian spouse. I've also traveled a lot. And I got the clearance. Took forever, but I got it.

Apply! Many if not most of the competitive candidates have extensive experience abroad, including family from "non friendly" countries.

Thank you @ZebraFinch and @mrs12. I will keep this wonderful advice in mind as I consider the Payne. Good luck to you @ZebraFinch with your studies and the journey to the State. Good luck to you @mrs12 as well with your academic and professional goals. 

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12 hours ago, kbui said:

WHAAA!!! That is so crazy! There is so much good energy on this blog right now. Fulbright, CLS, Pickering, Rangel... I AM IN SHOCK at how many of us have been getting such good news lately. Wow. @awayfromhere you have got the next six years set. I am incredibly and truly happy for you. Your hard work has proven to be fruitful, and you have been so blessed.

@ZebraFinch, I can indeed do 12PM CST. I've PM'd you my email, and I'll send you a link to join tomorrow. @awayfromhere, do you want to join too? I know you must be ecstatic. And @mrs12, you're welcome to join. I can send you a link too.


I haven't received a PM from you. ?

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This is the link for people who want to join: https://hangouts.google.com/call/f2b44og2zzaupeauct4mkpmsqye

We'll be starting around 12:40PM. Everyone is welcome to join @jrdnmadrid, @mrs12, @chethedoctor, and @awayfromhere! It would be great to have a group to share tips and advice.

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On 3/11/2016 at 7:57 PM, mrs12 said:

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH!

CONGRATULATIONS! Waaaahh, you're so amazing! 

A surprise email is the best!


You're all doing so well! This is a lucky year for us, I think. 

Really, sincerely, congratulations @awayfromhere ! There's so much to look forward to!

Thank you so much @mrs12 and @kbui, the support on this thread has been so great! The Rangel is starting to feel a little more real, mostly because they just sent me about a million things for me to sign and get notarized haha. 

Sending you prayers/thoughts/good vibes on your Payne interview @kbui, hope we meet in DC as State employees ;)

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Yes! I need all the prayer and advice I can get! And I'll be going to church (for work) today, so I'll be an official minister for the first day today. I'm very excited. Hopefully this will bring me closer to God and God'll send his grace my way? Haha.

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@kbui Are you going in soon for your interview? I thought I remember it being this week. 

I've been sending all my positive thought your way this week! I'm really really happy for you!

(Also the wait to the end of this month for the Pickering has gottene excruciating.)

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Hello lovely Rangle, Payne, Pickering hopefuls,

I have been religiously stalking this thread in the shadows for some time and finally felt brave enough to come out in the open. I, like some of ya'll, am on pins and needles waiting for word from Pickering, but in the mean time I need to confess my ignorance. Can someone please explain to me the interview process for Pickering. I assumed it would just be a normal interview, but from some of the comments on here it sounds like a pretty demanding experience plus a written exam? Where on earth did people find this information? Am I just lazy/dumb and didn't see it on the TWC website? Any help in understanding this part of the process and how best to prepare for it would be greatly appreciated! Sorry for being silent before and mooching off of everyone else's previous posts.

With Gratitude,


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