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want to transfer, need some insight of other schools


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so its my 1st semester in grad school and its not really working out for me. i cant find any work in the city/on campus, i am not a big fan of the surrounding city, dont think the school is really benefiting me too much, been living in the city too long and not really seeing any benefits from it, and just generally looking to hit the reset button on my life at the moment.

im probably going to be leaving by the end of the spring semester to finish my masters degree somewhere else. im probably going to have a's and b's so im not going to be in a bad spot academically. im looking to take classes online since im tired of lectures and rather just learn the program at my own pace while being able to hold a job. i want to find some sort of ga assistantship position to where i can get my tutition waived/some money, preferably a position in greek affairs since i used to be in a frat and i kind of like to work with the greeks one last time before i decide to move on to other things. i only really care about working at the school and not much else since i havent completed my masters yet and its kind of hard to find a full time position. i wouldnt mind going to a school with some decent athletics since i like watching sports once in a while. i dont really want a place that caters athletics and greek life 24/7 (like some hardcore football sec school) since im past that stage to where partying is the center of my life. 

the things i am mainly interested in when attending a new school are the following.

-good surrounding city that has life outside of the college and has a decent quality of life

-has a reasonable academic reputation and isnt completely flooded with idiots

-isnt terribly expensive to get a 1 bedroom apartment nearby the school

-has a decent economy to where i could find a decent part time job to go along with my 20 hr a week ga gig (mainly work in politics since thats what my undergrad was)

-pays grad students reasonably well/gives benefits/has other funding opportunities/treats them not like garbage

-has a decent grad student population/has support for grad students

-decent transportation to where i wouldnt need a car to get all over

schools i have in mind are u of florida, ut-austin, uw-madison, u of minnesota twin cities, nebraska-lincoln, arizona state, u of vermont, and rutgers new brunswick. could anyone give me any insight of how these schools are for grad students? any advice is appreciated, thanks.

Edited by graddude2000
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