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I posted this thread in the Anthro subforum already, but I figured I would post it here as well. Feel free to delete one or more of the threads if they're out of place somehow.

This is pretty far into the future (as in, I probably won't be applying for programs until the fall of 2017 at least), but I'm just curious as to what kind of program I should be looking for. Currently I'm abroad (originally from the US) doing a masters degree in Social Anthropology, and my research interests can basically be boiled down to "political ethnography" "ethnography of political activism" (right now I'm working with specifically with university student activism, as the country I'm studying in has quite a unique culture of student political activity in colleges and that is basically the reason I chose to study here). I'm also interested in the general study of higher education and the university as an institution (though like I said, right now I'm focusing on political activism, but I'm also interested in non-political aspects of higher ed as well, especially "youth culture" in the university environment).

However, I've been looking at Phd programs in the US in Anthropology and haven't found many that have professors that share my interests, whereas when I searched for Sociology Phd programs, I started to find more (like "social movements" or "political sociology" or "education," and even sometimes "higher ed," obviously using ethnographic and qualitative methods). So I guess my question is, are there any programs in Anthropology in the US that have professors that work with similar themes? Or am I better off looking at qualitatively/ethnographically focused Sociology programs? Also, I know that Social Anthropology isn't as popular in the US as Cultural Anthropology, so I've sort of been eliminating programs that just say "Cultural Anthropology" as opposed to Sociocultural or Social-Cultural...should I be doing that or not?


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