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Help! Clinical Psychology Interview Conflicts


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I currently have the option to interview at a program of my choice but the interview dates provided conflict with previously arranged interviews. I also have the option to Skype interview with this professor but the dates I have provided only work for her but not her graduate students, so she indicated that her graduate students can set up a separate Skype interview with me. My questions are

1) Is it better to Skype interview with the professor and grad students together or separately?

2) Should I cancel the previously arranged interview? The difference is that this previously arranged interview is at a US university, and this recent school is a Canadian university. I am a Canadian student so I will be considered as international for US universities, and I'm not sure if this affects my chances of admission as well as funding and residency in the future.


Any advice or comments is greatly appreciated!

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Have you searched the forums for threads on interview conflicts? There are numerous threads on the topic. 


It doesn't matter whether you interview with the professor and with the graduate students at the same time. You just need to interview with them. Cancelling in person interviews you previously committed to is a bad look, but ultimately up to you.


US Graduate programs provide similar finding for international students; if funding is tuition remission plus stipend, everyone gets it. Canadian programs don't (from what I've been told by several schools). 

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1. It should be fine to interview separately. I had to do that one year when I couldn't attend the in-person interview due to a work conflict. It was a bit more time consuming, but I feel like it didn't adversely effect me.

2. I wouldn't cancel the previously scheduled interview. Schools will understand that there will be some conflict in interview dates. Personally, I'd take the Skype interview with the second school. They should be understanding (Canadian schools are fairly chill about scheduling conflicts). 

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