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Is this an unofficial acceptance?


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So yesterday I got an email from a PI I've contacted before applying to the school. The email said that "we [the admission committee] nominated you for admission to the XX PhD program" - is this an unofficial acceptance?

This is also the first school I've heard back from, and I don't want to ignore his email but also don't want to sound fully committed to this school... Can anyone give me a word of advice on how to politely respond to this kind of email?

Thanks in advance!

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Yes, it is. They probably still need to send the recommendations over to the schools grad division to make it official. Congrats!

I sent a short note like,

"Prof. So and so, I am very happy/glad to have been recommended for admission."

Edited by johnnycomelately
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Yes it is! Like johnny said, the department cannot grant admission, that's only up to the "official" graduate school. But they tell the graduate school who to send an offer letter to, more or less. And that's what they've done :)

I've had this happen a couple times, where they said I've been recommended. A few days later, I got a letter.



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  • 4 weeks later...

OP I think you have a really high probability of being admitted, given the way that's worded. I don't know how the review process works after that point tho.


Like, I've been wondering about a kinda similar thing. A PI replied to one of my post-interview thank-you emails saying that I made a very good impression on them as well as 2 other faculty I interviewed with, and that the review process has moved to the graduate office level.


Like, what is the scenario where the department recommends an applicant for admission but they still don't get in? 

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