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How many interviews/visits are you going on?



6 answers to this question

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For my MA, I only visited my top 2 programs after being admitted with full funding to each. For PhD programs, I visited 4 out of the 7 (one was my current department so that doesn't count). I ended up going to one of the two which I didn't visit.

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Hey there!

I'm going to visit 3 schools in the same area all at once. They are my top 3 choices so I don't think I'll go visit the other 3 I applied to in order to save everyone's time and money. Plus I'm already missing a lot of important school stuff (still an undergrad trying to graduate) to go to these visits so I don't want to miss any more days of school!

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I haven't been invited to an interview yet, but I visited all of the schools I was interested in before applying.  I only ended up applying to one of the three schools I visited.  I work full-time, but I was also adjunct teaching when I did my visits.  Good luck!

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Like burgundywave, I also only visited my top 3 choices. There were two other offers that had visits after these first three and once I visited the first three, I knew I would be deciding between those three so I did not schedule visits to the other two schools (and also declined their offers while trying to make up my mind about the final 3).

For my Masters, I also only visited 3 schools.

I feel like 3 is a good number to visit. When visiting PhD programs, I was in the middle of trying to write my MSc thesis, so limiting it to just 3 schools meant only 1.5 weeks away from work (visited 2 schools in one week-long visit, and another school over a weekend).

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I am going to visit 4 schools that already offered me a place in their programs starting next week until the first week of March. They are also my top 4 programs. I haven't heard from another four schools that I applied. I don't think I will go visit additional schools after making four visits. I am going to make my decision regarding the school that I will go on the second week of March.

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I applied to seven, and have a total of four visits scheduled. I have yet to here from the remaining three and am undecided if I would accept additional invitations.

To address the second part of your question, I am currently completing a M.S.

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