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I have applied to a bunch of MSW programs and haven't heard back from any of them. i'm pretty much going crazy. i've applied to:

Hunter, WUSTL, Columbia, UCLA, and UC Berkeley (the deadline was 1/5!)

I still haven't even applied to USC and Tulane, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to.

Anyone else?

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I only applied to North Carolina State and I haven't heard back either. Their deadline was 1/3. Maybe MSW programs don't move as quickly as PhDs and Masters in other more technical disciplines. All of the people on this forum who have been notified were beginning to make me nervous!

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i found out on thurs that i got into columbia. i am really really excited, though i don't know if i'll get any money. anyways, i _still_ haven't heard from anyone else. i also didn't mention that i'm also applying to a few public health programs as well (i can never decide anything), so 14 programs in all--which is insane, i think. but i've also only heard from one of the public health programs--emory, rejection. 2 out of 14? i don't know what they're doing out there. at least now i know about columbia, which was probably my top choice, and i can relax. i hope you hear good news soon.

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Congratulations! That is wonderful! So it looks like MSW programs may not make decisions as quickly as some of these other Masters programs and the PhD programs. That is good to know. The wait is making me SO nervous! I am hoping for good news too. One of my coworkers has predicted that I will be accepted on the 15th. Ha! I can't wait for this wait to be over! I'll bet you're sleeping better at night :lol:

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I know, there are only a few of us around these types of boards.

I've heard from Michigan and Chicago (I had applied for early decision).

Schools can be funny about funding. I've heard back from both programs, but I know other schools take a longer time to allocate grants / scholarships.

I would bet that most schools will get back to you within the next four weeks. If not, it never hurts to call for an update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All hail the MSWs! There are so few forums (at least that I have found) that have areas for us. I would love to see this board really take off.

So, now, questions for you other MSW-ees. Does anyone know anything about Boston College? I thought I had picked my school (NYU) but a recent family situation may be cause for us to move to Boston as opposed to NYC. I am still keeping my fingers crossed, as NYU is my top choice, but meanwhile I figure I should find out more about BC. I am on the clinical track, which both schools offer. Thanks!


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  • 2 weeks later...

blazingson--i've been gone for awhile--no, i'm not planning on becoming a clinician. (i'm not exactly sure what i ultimitely want to do, i just know where my interests lie.

chelsea-i know nothing about BC. i hope you get to go to NYU. when did you hear you got in?

i have now "narrowed" my decision down to 2 choices, and i need to decide immediately (in the next few days). totally stressing. here are the options:

-Dual Degree program (MSW/MPH) at Columbia School of Social Work and the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. 3 years, i would keep my apartment and everything. i don't know yet about financial aid.

-MSW program at UCLA, 2 years. tuition potentially $20,000 cheaper per year, house to stay in for free, close to family. i would probably live with my little sister (a +)

Both MSWs are for mental health, MPH is in sociomedical sciences, the urbanism and the built enviornment track. of course i could also do just the MSW or MPH at columbia, but i probably wouldn't do just one (i always take on the most possible, which is often not a good trait).

i'm originally from southern california, and i miss it, especially the weather. i've lived in new york for almost nine years now, and my life is here, but i think the city is slowly driving me crazy. so what do i do when i really want to move to LA but the program i am really excited about is in NYC? i love the UCLA campus, and their program is really good too, but i might regret turning down the opportunity for the Columbia Dual Degree, especially since i find public health totally interesting.

i know only i can decide, but any advice would be appreciated!!!!! :shock:

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remily--I heard from all of my schools very early (February 5-6) because I sent off my applications at the end of December. Although hearing early was great, it also meant I had to make decisions earlier! That was really tough, especially because my partner didn't hear from his schools until the last week of March. Fortunately, everything worked out for the best.

I ended up doing some intensive research to decide which school (NYU or Boston College) was a better fit for me. Since both offered me scholarships, that didn't come into play. What I ultimately found was that the size of BC's incoming class is about a fourth of NYU's and that's really what swayed me. Additionally, I am also drawn to BC's strong international component and their supportive field placement process. So last week I sent off my confirmation materials to BC and in just a few short months, I am on my way to Boston!

Regarding your choice in program, I wish you all the best. It doesn't seem like you can really go wrong because both programs are fabulous. Isn't it wonderful to be able to choose between two great things? Even so I don't envy your position. Just keep in mind that whatever decision you do make will be the right one because it is the one you made :-) Best of luck to you.

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Hmmm... dual-degree or MSW from UCLA?

I would definitely go for the dual-degree. Not only is Columbia's MSW program top-notch, but the Mailman School of Public Health is as good as it gets.

If I had one regret, it was not applying to a concurrent MPH program.

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