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Email From Professor Vs Official Email from Department


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Waiting on a few schools for History (PhD) and have seen that people have already been notified by their professors. Any chance I've been accepted but my professor of interest didn't feel like sending me an email? Or am I doomed?

I am waiting on UCLA, Cornell, and University of Washington in particular.

Edited by LittleMickey
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Completely, utterly doomed.  There is no chance you got in, and they likely searched your name in the database and told all the other schools why they rejected you, and the other schools should follow in similar fashion.






I'm kidding.  Relax, maybe your POI just doesn't like to do that sort of thing, or they are on sabbatical, vacation, sick, at a conference, didn't even know the acceptances had been approved yet.  If you're that worried (which I wouldn't be right now...give it a week or so), send them an email inquiring.  Just lie and say you are wondering because another school has an early deadline and you were curious about your status so you can make as informed a decision as possible.  Or if you want to save embarrassment from them, just email the grad chair of the department with something similar.

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