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Rejected from two schools already...and depressed.

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I already got notifications from two of the grad schools I applied to that I won't be taken for consideration any further. I didn't even get to have an interview.

This leaves me with 2 grad schools I haven't heard from. The thing is the two I got rejected from where my safety schools. The remaining two are my reach schools. I pretty much have my answer now that I won't get accepted into those two since I got rejected from my safety schools.

I graduated in May 2009 from college...but since the economy is terrible and I'm so unemployed...I've started to deal with deep depression. I haven't been happy in so long. I haven't applied for jobs in 3 weeks because I can't find any motivation in me anymore. I like knowing where my life is going but I really don't know right now. I thought going to grad school will put be back on track but after these two rejection notifications it's made my depression worse.

My parents keep asking me when my interviews are...I can't bare to tell them I already got rejected from two without interviews.

Anyone experiencing the same thing?


I already got notifications from two of the grad schools I applied to that I won't be taken for consideration any further. I didn't even get to have an interview.

This leaves me with 2 grad schools I haven't heard from. The thing is the two I got rejected from where my safety schools. The remaining two are my reach schools. I pretty much have my answer now that I won't get accepted into those two since I got rejected from my safety schools.

I graduated in May 2009 from college...but since the economy is terrible and I'm so unemployed...I've started to deal with deep depression. I haven't been happy in so long. I haven't applied for jobs in 3 weeks because I can't find any motivation in me anymore. I like knowing where my life is going but I really don't know right now. I thought going to grad school will put be back on track but after these two rejection notifications it's made my depression worse.

My parents keep asking me when my interviews are...I can't bare to tell them I already got rejected from two without interviews.

Anyone experiencing the same thing?

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. :(

I'm applying to a zillion schools to try and avoid this situation. Have u tried a school with rolling admissions? I see you're going into education--what sector? K-12? Higher ed?


I'm really sorry to hear that. You need to stay positive right now b/c you still haven't heard back from all your schools yet. You should tell your family about the two schools you didn't get accepted to b/c they are the support you need right now. Depression is a hard thing to go through alone and your family is going to love you no matter what happens. I'm sure you will get into another school.


I already got notifications from two of the grad schools I applied to that I won't be taken for consideration any further. I didn't even get to have an interview.

This leaves me with 2 grad schools I haven't heard from. The thing is the two I got rejected from where my safety schools. The remaining two are my reach schools. I pretty much have my answer now that I won't get accepted into those two since I got rejected from my safety schools.

I graduated in May 2009 from college...but since the economy is terrible and I'm so unemployed...I've started to deal with deep depression. I haven't been happy in so long. I haven't applied for jobs in 3 weeks because I can't find any motivation in me anymore. I like knowing where my life is going but I really don't know right now. I thought going to grad school will put be back on track but after these two rejection notifications it's made my depression worse.

My parents keep asking me when my interviews are...I can't bare to tell them I already got rejected from two without interviews.

Anyone experiencing the same thing?

Story time!

A former professor of mine applied to a handful of schools. He got into the best-ranked ones, and was rejected by his "safeties." He got his PhD at a flamingly-good program and went on to teach at a flamingly-good university. He says that it likely came down to the fact that the "reaches" were simply great fits for him and the "safeties" were not. The moral: yes, you were rejected by your safeties, and that must feel awful -- I'd be bouncing off the walls and generally inconsolable. But, you never know what'll happen at your "reach" schools: keep the faith.


I agree! You must keep the faith! I applied to a bunch of schools last year -- got into some really good programs unexpectedly and rejected by some good programs. I also got into some lower ranked programs and also rejected by lower ranked programs. A lot of it seems random and you never know what the admissions committee is looking for. You still have time to send in a few more applications -- some programs have later deadlines and rolling admissions. Look into Maryland -- I am pretty sure the ed. dept takes apps pretty late. Good luck!!!

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