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anthrop of globalization


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I'm interested in being part of a phd program in anthrop that has a critical approach towards globalization issues.

I'm applying to stanford, berkeley, new school, unc chappel hill...

would you you suggest any other?

many thanks!

From what I understand, New School doesn't accept students directly into its PhD program, and doesn't offer much funding to MA students... if you haven't looked into that, you should.

As for your interest--check out University of Chicago... they seem to be strong in that area.

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From what I understand, New School doesn't accept students directly into its PhD program, and doesn't offer much funding to MA students... if you haven't looked into that, you should.

As for your interest--check out University of Chicago... they seem to be strong in that area.

Hey thanks for that piece of advice... I know that about NSSR, that sucks...but I really like the program, so i'm applying anyway in case they would give me full funding..

I'm also applying to chicago... I just wanted to know if there were some other univ that i might be missing

thanks again!

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what aspects of globalization? there's a lot that the term "globalization" could refer to and/or encapsulate.

for example the building of a regional or trasnational identity of a group that is scattered throughout many different geographical places, relationships between the local and the global, the role of i nternational NGOs or aid for development agencies in the "underdeveloped" world, cyberantrhopology, the use of internet for politics, the expansion of regional or transnational networks, inmigration and its consequences in the construction of the Self and the Other and different institutionalized policies towards it...

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for example the building of a regional or trasnational identity of a group that is scattered throughout many different geographical places, relationships between the local and the global, the role of i nternational NGOs or aid for development agencies in the "underdeveloped" world, cyberantrhopology, the use of internet for politics, the expansion of regional or transnational networks, inmigration and its consequences in the construction of the Self and the Other and different institutionalized policies towards it...

Honestly, this is quite broad. You're safe with any big school with diverse faculty and funding; I guarantee almost all profs will include "globalization" or "modernity" or something equally staggering and impressive-sounding in their research fields ;)

But in all seriousness, your list sounds good. I agree with anthaspirant on checking out U Chicago. If you're out shopping for schools to add (oh lord help us, haha), there's Penn and U Michigan.

And on the masters track -- the awesome Migration Studies program at Oxford: http://www.compas.ox.ac.uk/

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