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Arkansas SLP Grad Programs Advice/Chat

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Hey, folks!

I just got accepted to the University of Arkansas, my alma mater, for the SLP grad program starting Fall 2016.  Like many programs, it's a little tough to really figure out what to expect and I don't see a whole lot of conversation about the UofA program specifically in the thegradcafe forums.  I would love the chance to connect to anyone else who is planning to attend and to hear from those who have attended this program.  This conversation doesn't have to be just the UofA either.  If anyone who attended UAMS, Central Ark., or another nearby program, has any advice they'd like to offer, please share!

Some questions I have are:

  • Are SLP graduates feeling satisfied with their education in Arkansas?
  • What is the clinical practicum like?  I know there's some on-campus at the clinic, but also external practicum.  Recommendations?
  • Do you feel like you are able to work a little bit?  I really wanted a GA, but that's ok.  It would be nice if I could work about 10 hrs/wk so I don't rely completely on loans for all of my expenses.
  • Anyone know how the probation is going?  I want to attend the UofA anyway because I trust that they will do everything they can to keep from losing their status.  Plus, it doesn't look like they're under probation for anything truly serious.  I am very curious how that's all coming along though and the ASHA website hasn't updated it.

Go hogs!  Congrats to those who got accepted to schools in Arkansas!!

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18 hours ago, Pennsatucky said:

I have not attended UArk, but I will be doing my internships/externships in Fayetteville. It was very easy to set those up with the Fayetteville School District, Arkansas Regional Therapy Services (ARTS), and Northwest Medical Center, Springdale. All of the staff seem extremely friendly. Often times you get a supervisor that just doesn't get that you're a student. This doesn't seem to be the case at any of these sites, especially not at ARTS. The staff there are willing to take on anyone with variety of experiences and interests as well as those still figuring out what exactly they want to do. 

Healthsouth Rehab Hospital, Fayetteville was a no go for me because they require you to be available 5 days a week, and I will have classes on Mondays.

Hope some other people can give you some tips about the program. But Fayetteville itself and the surrounding areas are breathtaking. Well worth the move, even if you're from Alaska. :)

Thank you for the tip!! I was beginning to think there was no one on here that had attended school or work in the area :-P.  

I'm very interested in acquired communication disorders, so I'll be looking into the hospitals and rehab centers.  I'm glad to hear you've had good experiences there!  It looks like I'll probably have classes on Tues/Thurs, so I would also have to work around that.

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On March 29, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Elizabeth D. said:

I am a student at UALR/UAMS so I interact with the facultyand graduate students a lot what do you guys want to know?

How do you like the professors and clinic supervisors? Being in Little Rock do you get a lot of experience in the medical sites? Or do you kind of get a little bit of everything? 

How time consuming do you feel the program is? Do you work or have a grad assistantship? Is that manageable?

I'm coming from out of state, so I'm not familiar with the area, so are the there any places you'd recommend living, or staying away from?

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I am not a grad student but am an undergrad and we have a good amount of interaction with the grad students. We also have the same professors. 

The professors are amazing. They are very personable and value the success of their students. Most of them have open door policies so it is easy to stop by and talk to them about whatever. I don't know much about the experience with medical sites. First year grad students are in the on-campus clinic where they work with children and adults with different disorders. Each student will get 3+ clients I think (don't quote me on that, but that is what I have observed). Second years get off-site placements in various places around little rock. I think most people get one at a school and then one that deals with adults (hospital, nursing home, etc).

The program is pretty time consuming because you are taking classes and practicum. Certain days are designated for classes and others for clinic, and some days you have both (night classes).

From what I hear, most students who want a graduate assistantship, gets one, but they do not a lot of tuition or anything like that.

The grad students here are all great! They love the program and the faculty and seem to manage it fine. This is grad school, of course, so it is challenging but every single one of them seems to be doing fine.

Little rock isn't a very expensive place to stay so you should be able to find affordable housing that fits your budget. As part of the UAMS/UALR program, you have access to both campuses so you can apply for UALR housing and use the resources there. I don't know much about housing on the UAMS campus. Little Rock isn't a very big city (you can get across it in about 30 minutes) so there are surrounding cities that several people commute from. 

Parking is right outside of the clinic and classes so that is not a problem. 

For more questions on the program I would contact some of the faculty. They are very good about getting back with people through email and are extremely friendly. 

Let me know if you have any more questions! I hope this helps!

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I haven't heard anything from either UAMS or UofA about a Facebook page.  Still haven't heard from anyone going to UofA :-(.

I got some information in the mail from UAMS regarding the next steps, so if you haven't received that, you should receive it soon.  I emailed Univ. of Arkansas to see if there's anything I need to be doing right now and was told information would be sent out after April 15th.

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On 4/2/2016 at 3:50 PM, ariburnett said:

Thank you! This was very helpful! I've made the decision to go here and now I just need so find somewhere to live and other roommates lol


Congrats! It's a great program! 

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On 4/5/2016 at 9:49 PM, ariburnett said:

Do you know if anyone has tried to start a Facebook page? Or if anyone in your program is interested in making one?

I am not sure about the facebook page but I can ask some people that I know are attending if they would start one.

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On 4/5/2016 at 9:49 PM, ariburnett said:

Do you know if anyone has tried to start a Facebook page? Or if anyone in your program is interested in making one?

There is now a facebook page for UAMS. They just started it :) 

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