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Please review my issue essay


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Not sure if others do this, but I didn't fix my spelling/grammatical errors before posting. Sorry for all the errors, but I thought posting my essay with them would give me the most realistic ratings. 

Thanks for reviewing!

Topic: All too often, companies hire outside consultants to suggest ways for the company to operate more efficiently. If companies were to spend more time listening to their own employees, such consultants would be unnecessary

Consultants can be an enourmous resources for companies seeking to operate more efficiently. There is often a power inbalance between those in positions of power in companies and employees. Consultants are less affected by the power dynamics within a company. As outsiders, they can provided opinons without the threat of reprocusion. Althought consultants' businesses often rely on reocurring customers, by offering good recommendations they will be able to continue working even if those recommendations are met with resistance initally. Furthermore, another benefit of consultants is their outside perspectives. As company outsiders, consultants' understanding of challenges will be less bias than current employees. Although, company staff may have more contextual information, consultants can work in collaboration with current staff to combine their objective perspective with company context. Finally, consultants can bring in specialized expertise that current staff lack. For example, a manufacturing company may not have the expertise to evaluate if a new product will be marketable. This comany may chose to consult with market researchers. This will allow the company to continue focusing on their strenght - manufacuting in this example - while benefiting from the extertise of an outside consultant. The alternative would be to hire a marketing expert; however, this may be challenging since they may not know what they should be looking for during the hiring process. Another alternative, would be to investigate their current staffs' opinons on how marketable the product is; however, their opinons will lack the experience needed. In summary, consultants have the freedom to offer opinions without threat, they are more objective, and have the experise necessary to handle a specialized situation. 

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