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After I finished my application to one of my programs, the graduate coordinator emailed me to let me know he had everything and would I like to come in for a (seemingly informal) interview before their next admissions committee meeting? Well, yes! He offered Dec. 3 or 7, I said Dec. 7 or preferably Dec. 4 if at all possible.

No response for 9 days. I finally called him, and got a message saying he'd be out of his office until Dec. 3. I emailed again this past Monday and got an immediate response saying yes, I can probably come the 4th, but he'll tell me tomorrow (Tuesday) to confirm. Again, nothing, and tomorrow's Friday! I'm hoping I'll hear something by the end of today since he's finally back in his office, but seriously, what the hell? Should I call? Email? Just show up? The campus is only 1.5 hours away, so it's not like I had to buy any tickets.

I did get to meet the main faculty member I want to work with on Tuesday, so I do have some connections. She seems interested in me and has money for students, but I really need to meet the graduate coordinator.

This is my first major bump in the road and I don't know what to do! I've been checking my email incessantly (just did - still nothing!).


Got a response finally. rolleyes.gif Looks like I'll be heading over for my first interview tomorrow.

Now I have to prepare. ohmy.gif

just don't panic :D and good luck!!


Really great actually! They pretty much told me they want me in and that their school is "the perfect fit" for what I want to do (this is OSU by the way).

The campus was great - I went to their Wooster satellite campus and found it quite homey and close knit, which is what I want.

I also met another potential grad student who wants to do almost exactly what I want to do (!) with the same professor (!!) BUT said faculty member is new and has money for at least 2 students. :D She told me that she would love to have us both in order for us to learn together and collaborate.

I almost hope that I don't like the other schools because I really fell in love with OSU yesterday. Ha! I have another interview next week at UMass so we'll see how that goes.


Really great actually! They pretty much told me they want me in and that their school is "the perfect fit" for what I want to do (this is OSU by the way).

The campus was great - I went to their Wooster satellite campus and found it quite homey and close knit, which is what I want.

I also met another potential grad student who wants to do almost exactly what I want to do (!) with the same professor (!!) BUT said faculty member is new and has money for at least 2 students. :D She told me that she would love to have us both in order for us to learn together and collaborate.

I almost hope that I don't like the other schools because I really fell in love with OSU yesterday. Ha! I have another interview next week at UMass so we'll see how that goes.

That is so awesome, congrats! It must be such a relief to not only know you're pretty much accepted, but also that you would love it there.


Really great actually! They pretty much told me they want me in and that their school is "the perfect fit" for what I want to do (this is OSU by the way).

The campus was great - I went to their Wooster satellite campus and found it quite homey and close knit, which is what I want.

I also met another potential grad student who wants to do almost exactly what I want to do (!) with the same professor (!!) BUT said faculty member is new and has money for at least 2 students. biggrin.gif She told me that she would love to have us both in order for us to learn together and collaborate.

I almost hope that I don't like the other schools because I really fell in love with OSU yesterday. Ha! I have another interview next week at UMass so we'll see how that goes.

That's really great! I'm happy for you :) But you'll probably know better how great OSU is after visiting UMass :) Wish I had the money to fly to US and visit schools like this...


What types of questions are asked during an interview for grad school?

Everyone I met asked "So, what are you interested in?" It's best to have a clear, concise answer (I have a tendency to ramble if I don't have something slightly prepared). A few faculty asked why do I like research, what are my ultimate goals - a lot of stuff you would generally address in your SOP.

Also, "What questions do you have for us?" This is the big one! Have a few lined up.


Everyone I met asked "So, what are you interested in?" It's best to have a clear, concise answer (I have a tendency to ramble if I don't have something slightly prepared). A few faculty asked why do I like research, what are my ultimate goals - a lot of stuff you would generally address in your SOP.

Also, "What questions do you have for us?" This is the big one! Have a few lined up.

Great, thanks for the heads up!!

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