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What if I fail to finish my master's degree before entering Ph.D. school that I've been admitted


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I have been accepted to few phd programs and just accepted my offer for one. I am currently writing the thesis for my Master's degree in another school and was expecting to graduate this summer and enter the phd program this fall. But I am afraid there is a high chance that I would not be able to finish my Master's in June (coursework is done, but administrative problem popped up for dissertation defense). If I fail to do so, what happens to my phd acceptance? Is there a possibility that the school cancel my offer? Or can I just enter the phd program without finishing my master's? I am so anxious right now and would very appreciate everyone's response.


p.s. I'm an international student

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As MathCat said, you will have to talk to your PhD department. However, when you do so, don't bring it up as "Can I still enroll without completing my Masters" since that sounds like you are planning to not complete your Masters.

Instead, your problem sounds typical and it's not the end of the world if you cannot do your defense in June. You should work with your current program and set a different defense date. It might help to hear that many schools will not require you to have your Masters degree in your hands when you start your PhD, but they will want to see it eventually.

In my case, I defended my Masters in mid-August and handed in the final version of my dissertation at the end of August. This means I did not officially get my degree until November. My PhD program started in September and my PhD schools aid I had until December to produce my Masters degree, which was fine. Most schools will understand that graduate programs often end in August instead of June and will give you some time to get the degree officially conferred. But, if possible, I would try to get all of the formal degree requirements (e.g. defense, final submission of dissertation) finished before you leave for your PhD program.

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I was in a similar situation (was unsure about whether I would have time to finish my thesis, defend it, and start a summer program I'm already registered for), so I emailed to dean of students and was told that whether or not I ever finish my MA doesn't matter (not finishing it would, however, impact my ability to skip some coursework). A guy in my cohort, who was simply behind in the writing process, did the same (different university), and was informed that he would have to demonstrate that he earned the MA by the start of the program. So, it depends.... No one here can tell you exactly what the program requires, and if you have doubts about finishing/finishing in time, you should get in touch with the DGS/coordinator as soon as possible to weigh your options. 

Good luck!

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