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Developmental Psychology Applicants for Fall 2010-2011


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Well I am not developmental, but i am applying to work with a developmental psychologist. I am applying to The University of Wyoming to work with Dr. Nunez in legal psychology. She is in developmental but also studies legal issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cmon, there's got to be another dev. psych applicant here! This makes me worried about the Results thread....I was planning on using that to see when committees were contacting people!

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Hey there, I'm applying to mostly Developmental programs (a couple of Cognitive ones also). I'm interested in language evolution (& acquisition) so it can fall in either field, and there aren't a ton of profs working on it. The only program I've heard from so far is a request for a phone interview from Johns Hopkins - just got an email today from my prof-of-interest asking to talk tomorrow.

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I just joined! I got an application in on December 15th...and will get another one in by January 15th. I didn't think I would hear anything until spring. Do people really hear right away? One grad student in the program I applied to wasn't contacted until spring last year...

I am not sure if it makes a difference that I go to the school I am talking about...I mean as a post-bac and I work in 3 labs there!

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Just thought I would start a thread about developmental apps, since I'm not seeing one...perhaps there is one buried somewhere, if there is I apologize, if there isn't, happy "forum-ing"! :)

If people would like, I'm happy to post information regarding interview offers, ect....I know there aren't very many of us (so far!) but if it others would find it helpful, let me know. I know studentdoctor has a huge clinical thread, but there is sparse info on any non clinical programs at best...But it is helpful that there are posts regarding when a person was contacted, how they were contacted, and when the interview is. What do you think?

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My topic is interdisciplinary, but involves dev psych. I only applied to one developmental department, but I am very excited about my application there.

If people would like, I'm happy to post information regarding interview offers, ect....I know there aren't very many of us (so far!) but if it others would find it helpful, let me know. I know studentdoctor has a huge clinical thread, but there is sparse info on any non clinical programs at best...But it is helpful that there are posts regarding when a person was contacted, how they were contacted, and when the interview is. What do you think?

I don't know if separate posts on the forums are useful, but posts on the results page are extremely helpful--to this year's applicants and to future applicants.

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My topic is interdisciplinary, but involves dev psych. I only applied to one developmental department, but I am very excited about my application there.

I don't know if separate posts on the forums are useful, but posts on the results page are extremely helpful--to this year's applicants and to future applicants.

can you put a link to the results page that you are referencing? thanks.

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I think it'd be cool to post on interviews and other contact... we could have more detailed info than what's on the results page. I'm pretty interested to see what other peoples' experiences are (especially in a few weeks when we can hear about peoples' impressions of interview weekends).

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Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to say that I'll be keeping my eyes peeled here as I am taking a year off to finish a research project then applying for 2011-2012. I'm sure your conversations will be extremely helpful.

Best of luck to all I'm sure you worked very hard for it! The next few months should be an absolute trip for everyone.

P.S., I'm bummed the program I want to apply to is accepting 2 students this year and it is a perfect fit. Oh, well!

Best of luck again.

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Any chance anyone on here is the person who just posted an interview email from USouthernCal for Dev. Psych? I'm interested to see who the faculty member is...mostly to drive myself nuts if it's one of the people I'm interested in :)

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Did anyone by chance post the UCLA Dev Psych interview (1/14)? I was wondering if you know whether or not they'll continue to send out interview invites over the next few days or so. I sure hope so!! :blink:

That was me! It was actually weird--my potential advisor called me without warning and invited me to the interview weekend, not sure if more are getting called...

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That was me! It was actually weird--my potential advisor called me without warning and invited me to the interview weekend, not sure if more are getting called...

Oh really? Congrats!! And thanks for letting me know :) Let's hope the invites keep flowing!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone heard from the University of Washington (Seattle) or UC-Davis regarding interviews?

I'm new here, but I have interviews for the developmental programs at UNC-Chapel Hill and University of Miami so far. I've also applied to a couple of clinical programs...

Edited by freckledfrogger
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Has anyone heard from the University of Washington (Seattle) or UC-Davis regarding interviews?

I'm new here, but I have interviews for the developmental programs at UNC-Chapel Hill and University of Miami so far. I've also applied to a couple of clinical programs...

Ack, well guess I'm not in at UNC, oh well :P

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