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I have been hearing from test takers that the GRE POWERPREP software is the most accurate practice test. However, I downloaded and tried using the software, and it seems that it doesn`t work on a 32 bit Windows Vista. Does any one have the test in a pdf format or any other type of format? Also, do you suggest I take other practice tests that are just as reliable or close to it? Thanks in advance for your help.

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I highly suggest you try to download PP (though I do remember a friend having trouble downloading it on Vista). Are you on a campus that you can use a public computer (assuming that will even let you download anything)? Or borrow a friend's?

PowerPrep is an ETS program, so it's probably the most accurate you can get. It's adaptive like the real GRE (though isn't there a thread somewhere saying ETS is changing the format?) so there is no pdf.

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I've had the same problem, and I have Vista as well. Its rather horrid. Does your campus have a computer lab where you can put it onto an XP running computer? I know for a fact it works on XP - I put it on my mom's when I was home for Thanksgiving. In a week or so I intend to upgrade to 7, and I'm praying that it will work on 7...

I would hope that the tests on the power prep software are computer adaptive, so I don't know how helpful it would be to have a pdf of them.

That being said, the Math review PDF is available elsewhere on the ETS site, I think on the same page as the power prep software.

I guess all I can say is I feel your pain, and I hope to find an answer just as much.

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Maybe try downloading PowerPrep again?

I just downloaded PowerPrep, and I have Vista as well. Some of the components in the PowerPrep don't work, but the practice questions and the practice tests seem to be working just fine. There are also instructions on how to run PowerPrep on Vista on the GRE website. Don't worry if your screen seems to go out of proportion when you run PowerPrep--when you turn it off, your screen returns to normal.

Hope this helps!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Hopefully you got PowerPrep to work on your Vista machine. :) If not, just check the GRE website.

Also, there are sample CAT-like questions provided by the ETS on the GRE website, both for the verbal and quant sections, so you might want to look into those questions as well.

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I have a Mac, so I couldn't use PowerPrep on my machine either (FYI, this was 2 years ago; I don't know if they've changed it since then to make it Mac-compatible); I borrowed a friend's computer, and, like @ScreamingHairyArmadillo, I'd highly suggest that you try to do so if you can't get the software to run on yours. The paper tests and paper sample questions just aren't the same: they're great for practicing GRE questions, but not useful for practicing GRE-taking. Good luck.

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