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Hey guys! I've been accepted to UBC MPH and U of T SBHS and I am having trouble deciding between the programs. I was wondering if anyone here is a current/past student in either program that can give me some insight. I am interested in health promotion and education, but I also care a lot about the program community and social life as I don't know many people in either city. Thanks!

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12 hours ago, alissak said:

Hey guys! I've been accepted to UBC MPH and U of T SBHS and I am having trouble deciding between the programs. I was wondering if anyone here is a current/past student in either program that can give me some insight. I am interested in health promotion and education, but I also care a lot about the program community and social life as I don't know many people in either city. Thanks!


Sounds like your interests align quite well with the MPH program - the one at UBC is a bit more epi focused - however, you can choose certain electives (ie. more focused on health promotion) and a faculty advisor is also set up with you to help decide electives/practicum placement (based on your specific interests within the realm of Public Health). I'm quite biased though since I only applied for MPH programs and don't know too much about SBHS at U of T.

I'm moving to BC this fall for the MPH program and seems like there's always something to do in the city! (a lot more happening than Calgary that's for sure haha). Without too much insight, they both sound like great programs! 

Best of luck with whichever you choose! :)

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