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University of Florida (part. Religion and Nature)


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Is anyone familiar with UoF and its reputation? The latest information on this forum, that's reliable, is from 2012 and the site still references "competitive GRE scores" from the old system (competitive scores had a combined 1000, which would probably be 153'ish). Given the fact that I hear very little of the school on here and in general, I already know it's not considered top echelon obviously. All of this being said, I realize that quantifiable numbers only get you past undocumented cutoffs and that "fit" becomes far more important I've been toying around with Magoosh for prepping and it's predicting a 161-166 which will survive any cutoff they have, I hope.

I'd prefer a large state school over a smaller private, and since my interests are in technology v. nature and how that plays out in popular culture, Bron Taylor at UoF would make a wonderful fit.


Edited by xypathos
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