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physical science requirement

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Hey guys - has anyone taken an easy online physical science class (chemistry/physics) online? If so, wheres a good place? I know it's pretty last minute to take a summer course, but if anyone has any leads I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! 

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I'm currently taking an online physics class with my university.  If you're currently in school, perhaps your school may have some options.  Another idea- are you close to a community college?  If so, you might be able to sign up as a transient student and take a chem/physics course with them over the summer (my local CC has both online and in-person options, easy through advanced levels).

I know that University of Phoenix offers individual general education courses that can be transferred elsewhere (http://www.phoenix.edu/programs/continuing-education/general-electives/science.html - these are the science courses, and there is a general chem and general physics listed).  I'm positive that many other universities offer individual courses online as well.

Good luck ^_^

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13 hours ago, tconnection360 said:

Hey guys - has anyone taken an easy online physical science class (chemistry/physics) online? If so, wheres a good place? I know it's pretty last minute to take a summer course, but if anyone has any leads I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! 

I´m taking mine online through a community college (MCCKC). The class is Physics 101, and it starts today! You might check your local community college and see if its available (CC´s are usually much cheaper than uni´s)

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