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LOR Review for one of my students

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Hello everybody,

I was asked by one of my students for a LOR. The problem is that I am not a native English speaker and in the country I teach we do not have many English centers. I am also worried about the contest, since I do not want to give her a not-so-good recomendation letter.

Does anyone know if I can post it either here, maybe another website for the peer review?

Thank you in advance. 

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Don't put the LOR here.

What country is your student applying to? If it is a US school, then there are lots of resources online to help you write the LOR in the correct manner. You might also be able to speak to your colleagues about this too, if they have already written such letters.

Here are some online guides from US schools for writing LORs for academic graduate programs:





Also, here are some things NOT to do. 




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