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Do I need to retake GRE


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I am applying for doctoral program in statistics this fall and I am aiming for the best programs such as UW and Stanford. I have 159 on verbal, 170 on quantitative and 4 on writing. Is this score enough or should I retake the GRE test?

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Retaking it might improve your chances. I'd try to have both the verbal and quantitative scores in the 90th+ percentile for top programs. However, the GRE is just one small component of the application process. GPA, research experience and letters of recommendation, are all more important.

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Hi pecmsyx,

Since the Programs that you're interested in are PhDs in Statistics, you've got the part of the GRE that really matters (the Quant) covered. A Verbal 159 is fairly close to the 90th percentile, so there's some question as to whether a retest is really necessary or not. Since you know the specific Programs that you're interested in, the next logical step would be to contact those Schools directly and ask any questions that you have. My guess is that they will gladly give you the information that you're looking for.

GRE Masters aren't born, they're made,


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