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Richard Gilder AMNH question



I'm very interested in applying to the Richard Gilder Ph.D. in Comparative Bio program through the American Museum of Natural History. I'm a recent grad from a top tier school with two majors and two minors, all in the hard sciences. I had pretty good GPA, about an A- average but just about an A average for my major GPA. 3.5 years of research experience. A presentation at a big conference and a publication pending (I'm like 4th author but it's still cool). I literally just took the GRE today and got a 153V and 160Q. I'm usually a super good test taker, like I got in the 99th percentile the one time I took the ACT in high school. I know my GRE scores aren't bad, but I was hoping to do better, especially on the Verbal.

Does anyone know what a competitive score for the RGGS program is? If I could get my score up to 160 and 160, do you think that would make a big difference?

Any information on getting into this program would be super helpful! So if you know literally anything, let me know!

Thanks in advance!

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