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What would you do? GRE question


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I have been thinking about this question since mid-November.

I wrote the GREs at the beginning of October. I spent 2 months of solid prep, including an on-line "Live" course with Kaplan, in August, that was immensely helpful.

I scored 620v, 610q, 6.0AW. I have bad anxiety/OC issues, so needless to say I was ecstatic with these scores. Also, Canadians are not really socialized to standardized testing, so it's not like I have a lot of GRE-related experience.

I was SO relieved all of this GRE anxiety was over. Then I met with a potential supervisor in mid-November. She brought up the GRE before I mentioned it. She discussed the GRE in relation to admission committee decisions. She told me that GRE is used at [school], first as a cut-off [i.e. won't look at apps below 500 in any section] and then as a tertiary measure. For example, if you have 3-4 candidates that are the same on A,B, and C, they will look at D, which is GRE. She went on to describe how the GREs are pretty much "an industry," like "how many words can you memorize." Needless to say, she doesn't put much weight in GRE, other than as an application requirement.

She said that no matter how badly she wants a student [and it appears that she wants me] it has to be a committee decision. If your GRE scores are really good, it makes it easier for the faculty member to get you as a student.

Relieved that my scores were way above the cut-off, I told her what they were. She still suggested I re-write the GRE. I was totally crushed--I would rather swim across the Atlantic.

If I am going to re-write them, I need to do so by mid-January. The application deadline is January 1st, but she said the committee doesn't meet until February.

I have pretty much decided I won't re-write them: way too much stress; I'm not sure I could do better with less prep time; I still have 2 applications to submit.

I really want to get into this school, but I can't push aside my last two applications (to Canadian schools) when re-writing the GRE may, or may not, make a difference. Also, as much as I want to go to the US, I know from last year that being an international student is a vulnerable position.*

My biggest concern is that when she sees that I didn't re-write the GREs, that I will appear less committed to attending the school; that she will be disappointed. I don't feel that way at all.

What would you do? What do you think?

*I went 0/4 last year at US schools. Didn't apply to Canadian schools. Follow-up with schools: economy major factor in failed admission attempt.

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It sounds like you REALLY REALLY don't want to retake the test. I think that if you have the attitude that it's on par with getting root canal going in you're not going to improve your score anyway (that is not meant as a criticism in the least: I busted my butt as it sounds like you did and I certainly have no desire to ever take another standardized test as long as I live). The GREs involve a lot of time and pressure. And there's no guarantee you'll improve your score. You might perform the same, which would be a lot of agony for nothing (and might harm your other apps), or you might even score slightly worse depending on the questions you get.

There are a million reasons why you might not take the test that don't have to do with commitment: for one it's expensive, especially with prep materials and the like.

I think you made a smart move applying more widely this time, and it sounds like you've got an excellent shot of getting into this school anyway.

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What an awkward situation to be in! I agree with PP, it sounds like you really don't want to take the test. Do you feel your scores reflect how well you can really do on the test? If so, perhaps you could tell the professor that -- you feel you did as well as you could on that standardized test. But it does sound like you have a good shot at getting in.

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What an awkward situation to be in! I agree with PP, it sounds like you really don't want to take the test. Do you feel your scores reflect how well you can really do on the test? If so, perhaps you could tell the professor that -- you feel you did as well as you could on that standardized test. But it does sound like you have a good shot at getting in.

I wish I could tell you that you can make the GRE go away if you wish it, but it is rooted in the admissions process. However, it seems you hate the thing........much more than the average student. So if you are not interested in taking it, then you should not take it. if you want to get into the better schools, then maybe you wait out one more year, and practice practice and practice the test. you really need to see the test as something that you can beat up! beat it to a pulp! that is how you should see the whole process..........i just feel the mental approach would be just as important in improving the score as is practicing.

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