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Reputation of Villanova's PhD in Theology


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Is anyone familiar with Villanova's program, beyond their website? I know that last summer they stopped requiring the GRE and seem to generally really stress preparing their students to become educators at small Catholic colleges, rather than say researchers/writers at major universities. Over the last five years or so (per GC search results) there have been inquiries into their program but they've largely remained unanswered, so . . . I'll broach the subject again!

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So I believe the Theology PhD is pretty new (within the past couple years I think). Before they only offered a PhD in Philosophy, which had some sort of Religious/Theological track. I've been impressed with the people I've met from there. James Wetzel is excellent on Augustine and is spoken of very highly by the students and professors I interact with. They've gotten some quality post-docs recently too, and I I've heard they're trying to build inter institutional relationships with other schools in the area. I met and read the dissertation of one student there who was in the Philosophy/Religion track and it was well done. I think you're correct that its best for jobs at small Catholic colleges. 

Edit - Real reason you should go there: I went to a conference where they not only had the best conference food ever, but a student homebrewed beer specifically for the conference.

Edited by Rabbit Run
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