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Gap Year? SOS

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Has anyone on this site taken a gap year after their undergrad? I'm not talking about applying to grad schools and then getting denied but deciding altogether to not apply this cycle and wait until the next cycle so you could build up your gpa, resume, retake gre, etc. I'm just very lost on what to do right not because I am not feeling all that confident about my chances of getting in. I have around a 3.2 gpa with gre scores in the 50th percentile for q and v and 93rd for aw. I'm just wondering if you think it would be worth my time and money to go ahead and apply now or take those months off so that I can get better lor's, boost my resume, etc? Or if you had similar stats to mine and ended up getting denied; what did you do after to raise your chances of getting accepted the next time?

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I am applying to only one school this cycle, so essentially a gap year. Stats- GPA: 3.56 now, 3.6 after this semester's grades are in. GRE: 312; 154 Q 158 V 5.5 AW. I have a relatively strong resume (research, internship, volunteer work, leadership positions in NSSLHA and relevant clubs). 

I have 2 reasons why I am only applying to one school this cycle:

1. Finances. I don't want to apply to a bunch of schools I wouldn't be happy at (living in poverty)/COULD NOT afford at all. 

2. My GPA will be higher when I graduate. I will bolster my resume in the gap year. So overall, one year off could allow for a higher chance of getting in, so long as you use the time wisely. 


Honestly, whether or not you get in depends on where you live and where you want to apply. Look at Asha Edfind and look at the stats of people on here who got accepted and rejected. I know a lot of people are infinitive optimists on this forum, but to be honest, a lot of schools have a 3.5 GPA cut off. Some don't. Apply to those. 


Taking a year off could do nothing but help you (higher GPA, improve your GRE score, get more relevant experience) but if money and geography aren't of concern, then do some research and apply to schools where students with your stats were accepted in the past 2 years or so. 


Hope this helps! 

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I'm currently taking a gap year for a few reason:

1. Finances 2. After 6 years in post-secondary (2 in college and 4 for Bsc) I needed a bit of a mental health break. 3. I'm building my resume, doing my shadow hours, working on my writing and research, and potentially taking some extra courses. I'm debating on taking the GRE (not all the program I'm applying to require it).

I talked to a few of the professors and graduate students in my department about their thoughts on taking a gap year. The consensus was that if you were going to use it as a building year it wouldn't hurt you at all.  

Hope that helps!

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I took a gap year and now I am applying for the fall. I took a gap year to save up some money as well as to have a mental health break. We've been in school for so many years that I just wanted a break before going to graduate school and I am so happy I did. Working full- time has allowed me to miss school and I think I will be much more refreshed and ready to go now. I think if you take a gap year and boost your GRE scores and work in a related field, it will be a good idea. 

Edited by RoseM
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