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Low GRE score will I get into grad school


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I just took the GRE today and I didn't do so well. I got a 298- 141 verbal and 148 quant. I  didn't expect to this bad because I got better scores that this on my practice exam. I did have a set of Manhattan prep books and study for about 4 hour everyday for the past two and half months. I don't have time to retake the GRE because applications are due next months. I am planning on apply to the Au.D program at the University of Minnesota which is a school that I really want to go to and also will be applying to University of Wisconsin and South Florida. I have a 3.3 GPA, good LOR's and experience within the field with my hospital experience. 

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I am taking that Au.D is a doctorate in audiology.

Here's what Minnesota says:

"There is no required minimum score to be admitted into the program. The GRE score is one of several metrics used in reviewing an application. Our admissions committee reviews each applicant's academic record, letters of recommendation, the personal statement, and any other information that will establish the candidate's potential to be an excellent graduate student. That being said, the fall 2016 admitted cohort for the MA-SLP program had an average category score in the 70th percentile; the fall 2016 admitted cohort for the AuD program had and average category score in the 60th percentile."


Here's what University of South Florida says:

"Program Admission Requirements

  • Three 3 letters of recommendation
  • A 1-2 page letter of intent
  • GRE scores with preferred scores at or above the 33rd percentile on both Verbal and Quantitative sections. 
  • GRE writing with a preferred  score of 4.0 or better
  • GPA greater than or equal to 3.0 for last 60 credit hours of baccalaureate degree
  • Demonstration of competency in communication skills as determined by the chairperson or delegate."


I don't see anything on Wisconsin's website regarding the GRE, except that it is required.

Your scores:

  • 141 verbal is 14 percentile
  • 148 quant is 32 percentile

That's quite low. In other words, whatever the GRE measures, the vast majority of people perform better. Minnesota typically admits people who have considerably higher scores. USF wants at least 33 percentile in each. Considering how in other disciplines they want scores in the 90s percentile for verbal, or on average they admit those with a combined score of 325 (e.g. 165v, 160q), USF's bar seems to me very low. But maybe it is not a low bar for your field, though.

That said, here's my advice: ask your letter writers directly and ask only the ones who will be candid (rather than those who are encouraging so as not to let anyone down). With your scores, your GPA, your experience, do they think you are a competitive candidate? If so, then go for it undaunted by the shock and disappointment with your scores. But if they hesitate or otherwise communicate that your odds are very long, you may want to consider another field.

Edited by Turretin
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