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Acceptances, Waitlists, Rejections 2017


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Anyone know about UMD or Duquesne ?? I see some people getting rejected recently to UMD and waitlisted to Duquesne ! I have heard nothing from either schools. I am going crazy!

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Overall GPA: 3.58

Last 60 GPA: 3.72

In-Major: 3.75 (I Only had 1 semester that counts as in major though before applying!)

GRE: 158 V 154 Q 5.5 AW


Work Experience: 

Local ASD center management intern for summer 

Student library assistant for 2 years

Paid undergraduate research assistant for College of Engineering for 7 months 

Office of Disabilities student worker

Nanny + "nanny" at 2 geriatric private homeowners 


Relevant experience: 

NSSLHA elected community service chair

Secretary, executive board member, fundraising head of ASD advocates organization on campus

9 months as undergraduate research assistant for SLP professor, 6 months for another SLP professor 

Shadow at early intervention clinic

volunteer at pediatric language clinic

volunteer at 5 different autism organizations locally

assistant in 2 special education public school classrooms creating and implementing lesson plans 

English tutor for first generation and/or low-income college students

Volunteer for university's leadership and service program 

Volunteer at non-profit for low-income women and children; reading to women 


I listed all my of my experience to show that sometimes with a “lower” GPA (I hate calling a 3.5 low, ugh) it helps to apply to schools that appear to value other aspects of the application as well.  I also got a strong 6 recommendation letters, which I believe helped my case. All that being said, I do not recommend doing all this at once. I was so stressed out trying to overcompensate for my GPA and C- in some premed class I took when I was 18.


With that being said, I will be at East Tennessee State University next year!

If anyone has any questions about the area I would be happy to answer them as I grew up in Johnson City, though admittedly I haven’t lived there for half a decade… I’ve heard it’s much more hip now overall J I was planning on taking a year off due to financial constraint, but could not resist ETSU’s low tuition and low cost of living. 

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