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BME/Bioengineering 2010 Decisions


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Just thought I’d see if there are any other BME/BioE applicants lurking out there. I’ve been anxiously nosing around the forum for the last couple of weeks, and I would love to share my angst with others. I’ve yet to hear back from any schools, though I have noticed that a couple of the schools I applied to have sent out interview invitations. Eeep.

Though you are all my competition, I wish you the best and hope you are handling your email checking obsession better than I am! ;)

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I am also anxiously waiting around and checking my email every two minutes. It is definitely decreasing my productivity. I was supprized to hear something from UCSD and Northwestern so early. I'm concerned that JHU already sent out interviews (one was posted in the results section). Good luck waiting it out heelandcoo88.

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I've had "status update" emails from every school but UW, who I haven't heard from since early December when I first submitted my application. Kind of nerve-wracking... I wish they would at least let me know that they received all my application materials!

I saw that two interview invites went out from Berkeley last Wednesday, but I haven't heard anything from them. However, no rejection yet either, so I guess that's a good sign! You applied to a lot of schools, dspampin! I thought seven would plenty, but the deafening silence is making me wonder if I should have applied to a few more. Congrats on the interview and acceptance, thecircumstance! What area of research are you guys interested in?

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Hey guys, I applied to biomedical engineering Ph.D. programs too. I applied to UPenn (first choice), MIT (MEMP program), U. of Maryland, Drexel, Boston U., and U. of Virginia. I got an e-mail on Monday announcing my acceptance to Drexel (it's my safety so it's a good thing, but I hope to not end up going there). Yesterday I had a phone interview with U. Maryland (it sounds like a great school, but I would like to be in a big city for graduate school; Philadelphia or Boston preferably). I really want to go to UPenn, so I hope I hear something soon.

Two questions: Do you guys know if rejection letters come out before acceptance letters? Also, when do most acceptances or interview requests come out?



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On 1/29/2010 at 6:50 PM, mattchurgin said:

Hey guys, I applied to biomedical engineering Ph.D. programs too. I applied to UPenn (first choice), MIT (MEMP program), U. of Maryland, Drexel, Boston U., and U. of Virginia. I got an e-mail on Monday announcing my acceptance to Drexel (it's my safety so it's a good thing, but I hope to not end up going there). Yesterday I had a phone interview with U. Maryland (it sounds like a great school, but I would like to be in a big city for graduate school; Philadelphia or Boston preferably). I really want to go to UPenn, so I hope I hear something soon.

Two questions: Do you guys know if rejection letters come out before acceptance letters? Also, when do most acceptances or interview requests come out?



I know of several people who had already heard from Penn. However, I hear that Penn sends out interview invitations in a couple of rounds.

For your questions, the whole rejection letter vs. acceptance letter vary depending on school. UWashington sent out some rejection letters before invites to interview, but UPenn sends out rejection letters after invites to interview, I think

Interview requests come out, I believe, mostly in late Jan to mid Feb. But the West coast schools seem to do it earlier...

This is just what I think, which could be wrong.

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Just for everyone’s amusement, here’s the dream I had last night…

I was at MIT for an interview weekend (a dream in itself,really), and instead of interviewing the candidates, they had us take an exam. Everyone was working away, when I suddenly realized that I only had a blank piece of paper. They hurriedly gave me the correct exam, but I was already way behind everyone else. I started working on the first section, titled “Verbal,” but soon moved on to “Math and Science” when the person next to me whispered that no one cared about the verbal section. I breezed through the first couple of questions in the math/science section, as they were the exact same problems I’m currently reviewing for the FE exam. But then the questions started getting weird and nonsensical. Everyone was getting up to turn intheir exam, and I still had most of it to finish. One of the questions asked us to set up a PCR reaction. I was like, “OK, no big deal.” But the reagents were unlabeled except for a cryptic mark, and in order to figure out which ones to add, we had to logic-out a murder mystery. And you had to use the correct pipette for each reagent, also cryptically labeled and weighed down so that it was difficult to lift. I finally broke down crying because all the other candidates were talking and laughing about how easy it all was while I was trying to concentrate. I eventually snapped at them to shut up, and then they all gave me the evil eye. When everyone else had left, the admissions officer finally came to kick me out of the room and to tell me, “Sorry, you’re just not ready for this.”

And then I woke up.

ANYWAY, I don't know anything about UPenn other than what's shown up in the results section. Does anyone know if it's common for schools to send out invites in different rounds? Because I know Berkeley sent out some, but the optimist in me is hoping that they only sent them out for the first interview weekend and that another round is being sent out for the second interview weekend. But I think I'm just trying to make something up to make myself feel better.

Also, for anyone who applied to Georgia Tech, I just heard this from my friend who is the BME program there: "This year the interviews will be in late March, but they're thinking that if they invite students so late, they may risk losing some. As a result, they're considering contacting the students in the next few weeks not necessarily to accept them, but to tell the students that they're still being considered/the application is competitive."

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UPDATE: Today, Saturday, I got an invite to interview at Penn's Bioengineering department in the beginning of March. Penn's my first choice, so I'm really happy. I'm also glad I have a lot of time to prepare/bite my nails before the interview. Good luck everyone!



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UPDATE: Today, Saturday, I got an invite to interview at Penn's Bioengineering department in the beginning of March. Penn's my first choice, so I'm really happy. I'm also glad I have a lot of time to prepare/bite my nails before the interview. Good luck everyone!



@ Matt

Congrats! did you receive an email from UPENN or did you check the website? If so did it look like it was a mass email?

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I applied to 9 schools, but I don't think I was as ambitious as many of you and am afraid I may be cutting myself short. The only two top schools I applied to were Cornell and U of Minnesota. However one of the more safe schools I applied to, Clemson, I think would be a better fit, because my potential advisor there has very unique research that I am incredibly interested in.

Back to the point of the thread: I have heard from NOWHERE! I am afraid that this means my app is not being looked at favorably...

Has anyone heard from any of these three schools? they are my top choices, and I am very anxious!

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Penn sent me an e-mail, and it was clearly not a mass e-mail. I applied to a specific program within the Bioengineering group and the interview is specifically for that group. I applied for the HHMI Interfaces Scholarship which is for students interested in medical imaging.



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Penn sent me an e-mail, and it was clearly not a mass e-mail. I applied to a specific program within the Bioengineering group and the interview is specifically for that group. I applied for the HHMI Interfaces Scholarship which is for students interested in medical imaging.




Thank you for the info. I also got accepted to Drexel's Biomed Eng. program, but no word of funding yet. Did you hear anything about funding from Drexel?

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did upenn sent out a confirmation email saying that your application is completed (i.e. all supp documents have been received)? i only recall receiving an email soon after i've submitted the online application saying that there will be notification of results within 4-6 weeks. the status on the application page does say "Under Review" though....

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did upenn sent out a confirmation email saying that your application is completed (i.e. all supp documents have been received)? i only recall receiving an email soon after i've submitted the online application saying that there will be notification of results within 4-6 weeks. the status on the application page does say "Under Review" though....

@ Toiletpataper

Someone posted this on the Biomedical Eng/Bioeng forum on talk confidential yesterday ( 2/1):

just called UPenn, they said the interview invitations have been sent out, and the decision will be notified by the 2nd week of february... one rejection letter coming in....

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Cornell sent me an acceptance letter to their program earlier today! Finally I at least heard something and good news at that!

heelandcoo88: I applied to alot of schools just mainly because I was afraid I was shooting to high but also I got fee wavier's to 12 of the 15 schools I applied to. So I figured why not apply to more and increase my chances!

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Thanks! Yah UCLA a couple of days ago asked me to resend my CV because apparently they misplaced it.

Also I got a lot of activity today. I got accepted to Rutgers this morning but then again I just got rejected to UCB/UCSF program :(

But hey I'm not complaining being 2/3 and being rejected to a "reach" school.

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Let us collectively mourn the end of the Berkeley dream. Except for those people who were invited for interviews, to whom I (jealously) say Congrats!

Even though the rejection was completely expected at this point, I was still clinging to a tiny bit of hope. Oh well. One down, six more to go...

@mattchurgin, hopingandwaiting, dspampin: Congrats on the admits/interviews!!

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@heelandcoo88: Congrats on the interview!

I also got some news yesterday as well! I got rejected by MIT (expecting that)....... BUT invited for an interview yesterday at Hopkins!!!

Life simply feels amazing right now lol!

oh and U of Washington apparently said my app was incomplete because I didn't pay even though they gave me a fee wavier and I submitted the app....but looks like it didn't go through!!! They said they would get back to me next week to see if I can still be considered. : /

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Wow dspampin, CONGRATS on the Hopkins interview! That's big time :D Hopefully UW will sort out the paperwork issue soon. Did you apply for the Biological Engineering program or the HST/MEMP at MIT? I applied to biological engineering, but I haven't heard anything yet.

In other news, I got an invite to the Georgia Tech recruitment weekend this morning from a POI. He also wanted to do a phone interview some time this week! Scary, but exciting! The recruitment weekend is March 28-30, so it looks like I'll be going straight from Seattle to Atlanta. Good way to start the week :)

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