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CUNY supplementary materials...


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I applied to CUNY for poli sci Ph.D. today, which is the deadline. Apparently, they demand that you print out a signature page and mail it, which I wasn't expecting. Now my materials obviously won't reach them by the deadline. Do you think they'll be dicks about it and not review my application because my signature comes a little late? It's just that I got all my materials in on time, except for this one, because all the other apps had electronic signatures. I just wonder if anyone has any experience with CUNY. Thanks in advance.

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i applied to Hunter College CUNY but there wasn't a requirement to mail a signature page. They allowed me to signed it electronically. Did they say if all materials have to arrive by today or postmarked by today ?? Most of the grad schools that I have dealt with says that as long as the package was postmarked by the deadline, they are ok. Also, from my experience, they also told me that as long as the majority of my materials are in, they are fine if one or two articles of items are late. Again, that is just from my experience. :)

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Well, my materials reached there 3 weeks ago, so I wont be able to give specific tips on that. But here's another experience with them:

This friday, my Fall 2009 grades were announced from my current MA, and my gpa went up to 3.71 from 3.61. I wanted to update my info so I asked them if I could update my transcript with an unofficial copy I got from the Student Information System of my current school. The coordinator told me to e-mail it and it was all fine. They added the new transcript on file. Now, this is a kind behavior I did not really expect. So they might be understanding if you talked to them about this. If they won't review the files starting tomorrow, and if your files can go there in, say, 2 days... it would be ok.

But keep in mind that you can't send electronic copies for review purposes. They have a lousy system that requires you to send even the LORs in hard copy and no place to upload them.

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Thanks for the advice! They didn't mention postmarking, and judging by the results search, they don't get around to reviewing the files for some time. I am glad that they allowed you, curufinwe, to send your updated transcript. So I suppose one or two days won't matter, all else arriving on time. I guess I'm just having the obligatory freak out over everything. Thanks for the reassurance.

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I didn't like CUNY's so called electronic option. The old fashioned way was preferable and cheaper. I packaged everything together and sent as one file. A few weeks later, I got emailed confirmation that my application was complete. My program has rolling admission though, so there were no deadlines anywhere near.

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