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Stat/Biostat 2010


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There is a pretty good topic this year in engineering where all applicants shared info and support throughout the waiting process. I suggest we reiterate this this year with all the guys and dolls applying to the exciting field that is Stat/Biostat.

So if you are applying, have applied in the past, have some knowledge of any sort or just want to crack a joke, come post.

As a suggestion we could all start saying what schools we are applying to in our first post and even better have it in the signature with the distinction pending, accepted and rejected.

Frankly I really liked the operation research topic in engineering section so I just copied all words above from it. I hope this does not offend him/her or something)

I'll start the list of school


CMU - reject!!!! :(








Pittsburgh - I saw one person got admitted in result page

UWashington - did anybody hear from them? I saw one person got admitted and two people got rejected in result page



I hope we can share info and suuport each other through this nervous time of waiting :)

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Thanks for starting this ssong2 - I've been meaning to and hadn't gotten around to it yet. :)

I'm a little superstitious right now, so I don't really want to list my schools. However, once I have been accepted (or rejected) I would be happy to post.

I will say that I applied to 7 statistics programs, 1 biostatistics program, and 1 other program that is quantitative (as far as I know, only one school offers this program, so for now I'm going to withold the name of this school/program).

So far I've interviewed at the biostat program and one of the stat programs.

I am currently in an MA Statistics program (at a decent school).

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I just wanted to let everyone know: I've heard through the grapevine that Columbia hasn't even started looking at applications ... So if anyone is waiting to hear from them, it looks like its gonna be a while.

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I have appplied for 6 Biostat program. Currently rejected form Emory PhD and accepted for Boston MA, but they said funding is not available yet, any idea if it's possible to get the fund for BU?

I applied to Boston PhD, got no feedback.

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So I was checking SOPHAS today, and I found out that I was admitted to UT.

(It was updated on 2/4/10) I did not get any notifications (I assume I will get something in mail)

Anyway, I am pretty happy about this. Did anybody get admitted to UT?

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Does anyone have experience with Wisconsin-Madison? I applied to their program but haven't heard anything. I've noticed on the Results Page that people are hearing back via snail mail, so I've been checking dutifully. Sometimes mail takes longer to get to where I live (pretty rural), so I've been trying to stay hopeful, but now it seems like it's been a while since the others heard.

Should I assume I've been rejected?

Also, do stats programs usually have waitlists, or accept more than they want and assume some will say no? Both of the schools I've visited have talked about acceptances in relation to their expected yield, which seems to indicate that they do NOT do a waitlist (at least not officially). What have others experienced?

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Does anyone have experience with Wisconsin-Madison? I applied to their program but haven't heard anything. I've noticed on the Results Page that people are hearing back via snail mail, so I've been checking dutifully. Sometimes mail takes longer to get to where I live (pretty rural), so I've been trying to stay hopeful, but now it seems like it's been a while since the others heard.

Should I assume I've been rejected?

Also, do stats programs usually have waitlists, or accept more than they want and assume some will say no? Both of the schools I've visited have talked about acceptances in relation to their expected yield, which seems to indicate that they do NOT do a waitlist (at least not officially). What have others experienced?

W-M does not notify admission decisions via email; they only do postal mail! I asked about my status too and they said all results will be mailed by the end of this week!

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W-M does not notify admission decisions via email; they only do postal mail! I asked about my status too and they said all results will be mailed by the end of this week!

Just to clarify, does that mean that some of the decisions haven't been mailed yet?

Also, I've only seen one result on the Results Page from Cornell. Anyone know what's happening with them?

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Just to clarify, does that mean that some of the decisions haven't been mailed yet?

Also, I've only seen one result on the Results Page from Cornell. Anyone know what's happening with them?

right. all decisions are not mailed simultaneously.

I applied to Cornell too. Haven't heard anything from them.

Edited by Koizumi
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Well, this would normally be too early on a Saturday for me to be on here, but my mom called and woke me up. Again, normally she would know to call later in the day when I'd be awake, but I'm certainly not mad. In fact, I gave her permission to to call me (no matter what the hour is) anytime something like this happens. What happened?

I got my first acceptance! :)

Thank you Harvard Biostat for ending my downward spiraling thoughts about never getting in anywhere!

(My mail box is very inconveniently placed from where I live, so I don't check it often. => For grad school apps I used my parents address as both permanent and current.)

There is an orientation in March apparently... I really hope that I hear back from my other schools by then since Harvard is not quite my top choice (based on fit).

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Congrats Piwi. I guess you are the one who posted on result page.

I have checked Wisconsin website today, and it still says "pending"

At least it means i am not rejected yet(!)

Anyway, I am kinda sick of checking e-mails 1000 times a day :)

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Congrats Piwi. I guess you are the one who posted on result page.

I have checked Wisconsin website today, and it still says "pending"

At least it means i am not rejected yet(!)

Anyway, I am kinda sick of checking e-mails 1000 times a day :)

Yes, I am the one who posted on the results page. Thanks for the congrats! It feels good to be in somewhere.

My Wisconsin page says the application is under review, but I have a feeling that I'm looking at the wrong page. I lost my little NetID (thought they emailed it, but apparently not :rolleyes:). So I've been checking the status page that can be accessed through the online application. Is that the page (it has all my documents checked off) or is there another one?

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I was wondering if anyone had heard anything from OSU? In particular, when I checked my status last weekend it had gone from AcadReview to Referred. Any idea what this means?

Applied (all Stat PhD):






None, yet


None, yet

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I was wondering if anyone had heard anything from OSU? In particular, when I checked my status last weekend it had gone from AcadReview to Referred. Any idea what this means?

Applied (all Stat PhD):






None, yet


None, yet

It means basically they recommended you to graduate school (which means you are basically admitted)

I got an acceptance e-mail a couple days after it said "referred"


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