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MS Biology Northern Arizona still no word


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So, I've applied to 3 programs this year (my second year doing so but my first year really understanding the process) and the first one chronologically was Northern Arizona University. NAU required everything turned in by early January. As of last week, I had not heard back from any of the three so I reached out. The other two had accepted another student and just hadn't sent any rejection letter (I've never received a rejection letter, to be fair). Northern Arizona's bio program coordinator responded to me Feb 6 saying my chosen advisor had no clue who they were going to accept. I called a week ago and the lady in the program said she would inform the coordinator and my advisor choice that I'm awaiting a decision and that they were "very behind". 

Nothing on here shows acceptances this year yet. Has anyone else had an issue like this or know if that means you're just in the reject pile but they're waiting to see if someone rejects an offer? 


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